A couple of sore points on the Mahavastu

There’s a lot of things there that I should probably respond to, but this:


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Cheers mate but speak for yourself. I’d rather pick a fight with an angry croc than try to be the dominant sex


Yep, seriously. I’m just stating what I’ve seen in the internet while browsing Buddhist related posts, unfortunately.

Happy vassa!

in mettā,



I’m just stating what is obvious physically not sexually. I can’t see it in my post that I stated it that way. Could you point me to where I said that and I would humbly admit my huge mistake. If I made it sound that way, my apologies, it wasn’t my intent.

Happy vassa!

in mettā,


Hi @Russell
I see there there may be a mix up with English here. When I used the word ‘sex’ I was referring ‘gender’ not the act of ‘intercourse’. So my reply could also be read as follows:

“Cheers mate but speak for yourself. I’d rather pick a fight with an angry croc than try to be the dominant gender.”

In regards to the “male is more dominant” thing, am I correct that what you are saying is that Buddhas-to-be choose the male form for the reason that it is physically stonger than the female form?

If so, why? For what reasons does a Buddha need to have a body that is physically stonger than a female body?

What do they intend to do with this physically stronger form?


Dear @stuindhamma,

What I’m trying to say is that at the time period of the Buddha, it was more advantageous to be born as a male because males generally where seen as the dominant/authoritative figures. My post didn’t mean that women were less than men. It’s just that the conditions didn’t allow the Buddha to be a female. Who knows, perhaps in some other dimension, Buddhas are females?

Happy vassa!

in mettā,


An interesting piece of advise in the Mahavatsu. Given by a wise owl (yes, owl) to a king:
“As in the days of former kings
large bodies of immigrants
came together to be admitted
into the realm,
so do you admit them, O king.”


Nice. It seems that birds in those days were wiser than rulers today.


Interesting passage in the Mvu, Buddha Kāśyapa after establishing king Kṛikī, the queen, the king’s court, the king’s sons, the son’s attendants and the king’s ministers, he then established the king’s army “in the realisation of the first stage of the Way.” Would this be stream entry? If so, what good is an army to a king that can’t kill? LOL!


If you keep teaching meditation in the DoD, we might have the same problem in Oz.