A Factoid Question about the Buddha's Last Days

Part Five - At Kusinara
Last Place of Rest

  1. At that time the twin sala trees broke out in full bloom, though it was not the season of flowering. And the blossoms rained upon the body of the Tathagata and dropped and scattered and were strewn upon it in worship of the Tathagata.

Last days of the Buddha, the Mahāparinibbāna Sutta, , Sister Vajra and Francis Story, BPS Pariyatti publishing, 1998, p. 63

  1. Is the Salla a Himalayan Yew?

  2. When does it bloom in NE India?

Have you read the definition here? https://suttacentral.net/define/s%C4%81la?lang=en

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Oh! Does include S. Dhammika’s entry! Excellent :smiley:

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I understand my source for the Salla tree ID


Himalayan Yew, Taxus wallichiana Family: Taxaceae (Yew family)
and the excellent definition pointed out
preceed from assigning the Sala tree to two different plants: the Himalayan Yew, Taxus wallichiana Family: Taxaceae (Yew family) and the shorea robusta or the assakaņņa.

Okay. I’m at a cat seeing two birds in the tree dead end.

Thanks for the pointer to the word list on this site!

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