Academic literature on "reliable sources of Dhamma-Vinaya"

What are all of the academic literature relevant to “reliable sources of Dhamma-Vinaya” that one should look into in order to review to full scope of research on this topic?

“Reliable sources of Dhamma-Vinaya” may refer to “early Buddhist texts,” “early Buddhism,” etc.

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I just started reading this book by Choong last week because I’m beginning to think about writing summaries of the Samyukta. It’s definitely a good primer for those who don’t read Chinese. Some of his conclusions are a little over the top sometimes.

Like on pg. 68-69, when he makes hay over whether or not an Agama sutra transliterates “arhat” in the traditional list “Tathagata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha.” I don’t know of any Chinese Buddhist translation offhand that transliterates Arhat in that formula. They translate Arhat there because it’s clear by context that it’s arhat. In narratives, they transliterate arhat because then it would be confusing to translate it with a verb or an adjective. So, that’s really a red herring, and it makes me wonder how well-read he was when he wrote the book.

But otherwise, it’s definitely one of the best overviews available.

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Best overview of what?

Can you recommend any academic sources that could help me identify “textual sources of Dhamma-Vinaya”?

The doctrinal contents of the Samyukta Agama compared to the Samyutta Nikaya. I was commenting on Choong’s book you linked to.

There are a few texts by Ven. Yinshun that are in English. He studied early Buddhist texts, partly to find the origins of later Mahayana Buddhism, partly in studying the Pali texts and comparing them to Chinese Agamas. You might find them of interest.


About this, you may also read the recent publication by Choong:

I have not read the published text yet.


Your question seems a bit large and vague. Could you give us some more idea of what exactly you’re trying to do?

If you’re interested in my recommendations, I’m slowly collecting what I consider reliable here, in my digital library.

If by “Dhamma-Vinaya” you mean the practice and purpose of Buddhism, then you’ll find that content in the “Function” topic and its subtopics (“The Path”, etc). If you mean, “The Early Buddhist Texts” you will also find a bookshelf for that. For the more “academic” work, look for the content tagged as " :newspaper: Articles" or " :blue_book: Monographs" (though obviously your definition of “academic” may be slightly different) :slight_smile:


Yes, I am trying to identify all the academic sources that a relevant to the topic of identifying “reliable sources of Dhamma-Vinaya.”

For example, the two mentioned in an above reply, Samyukta Agama and the Samyutta Nikaya.

But the goal of the research would be to identify the full range of the textual sources that reliably and accurately represent the Dhamma-Vinaya.

As such, commentaries and texts that were created later on even if they were (falsely) attributed to the Buddha are not considered “reliable sources of Dhamma-Vinaya” in the context of my research because they are not considered directly representative of the Dhamma-Vinaya, either because they do not claim to be (commentaries) or are falsely attributed to the Buddha (some later Buddhist texts).

Another way to say this is to undertake the research to determine the full range of early Buddhist text, I want to do a more comprehensive/scholarly version of sort of like what I attempted to do here in a preliminary sense:

The following list may be relevant:

Saṃyukta/Saṃyutta Articles by Choong Mun-keat

Relevant to individual or particular Saṃyukta s /Saṃyutta s of the geya-aṅga portion of SA :

——— 2006: “A comparison of the Pāli and Chinese versions of the Kosala Saṃyutta , an early Buddhist discourse on King Pasenadi of Kosala”, The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 7: 21-35.

——— 2006: “A comparison of the Pāli and Chinese versions of the Bhikkhu Saṃyutta , a collection of early Buddhist discourses on monks”, Buddhist Studies Review 23 (1): 61-70.

——— 2007: “A comparison of the Pāli and Chinese versions of the Vaṅgīsa-thera Saṃyutta , a collection of early Buddhist discourses on the Venerable Vaṅgīsa”, Buddhist Studies Review 24 (1): 35-45.

——— 2009: “A comparison of the Pāli and Chinese versions of the Brāhmaṇa Saṃyutta , a collection of early Buddhist discourses on the priestly Brāhmaṇas”, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 19 (3): 371-382.

——— 2009: “A comparison of the Pāli and Chinese versions of the Māra Saṃyutta , a collection of early Buddhist discourses on Māra, the Evil One”, The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 10: 35-53.

——— 2011: “A comparison of the Pāli and Chinese versions of the Devatā Saṃyutta and Devaputta Saṃyutta , collections of early Buddhist discourses on devata s “gods” and devaputra s “sons of gods””, Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies 1: 60-88.

——— 2012: “A comparison of the Pāli and Chinese versions of the Sakka Saṃyutta , a collection of early Buddhist discourses on “Śakra, ruler of the gods””, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 22 (3-4): 561-574.

—— 2014: “A Comparison of the Pāli and Chinese Versions of the Brahmā Saṃyutta , a Collection of Early Buddhist Discourses on Brahmās, the Exalted Gods”, Buddhist Studies Review 31 (2): 179-194.

Relevant to individual or particular Saṃyuktas/Saṃyutta s of the vyākaraṇa-aṅga portion of SA :

——— 2014: “A Comparison of the Pāli and Chinese Versions of the Gāmaṇi Samyutta , a Collection of Early Buddhist Discourses to Headmen”, Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies 7: 98-115.

——— 2016: “A comparison of the Chinese and Pāli versions of the Śā riputra Saṃyukta, a collection of early Buddhist discourses on the Venerable Śāriputra”, Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies 10: 27-52.

——— 2017: “A comparison of the Pāli and Chinese versions of the Kassapa Saṃyutta , a collection of early Buddhist discourses on the Venerable Kāśyapa”, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 27 (2): 295-311.

——— 2017: “A comparison of the Chinese and Pāli Saṃyukta / Saṃyutta s on the Venerable Mahā-Maudgalyāyana (Mahā-Moggallāna)”, Buddhist Studies Review 34 (1): 67-84.

——— 2018: “A comparison of the Pāli and Chinese version of Okkantika Saṃyutta , Uppāda Saṃyutta , Kilesa Saṃyutta and Rāhula Saṃyutta , early Buddhist discourses on entering, arising, affliction, and the Venerable Rāhula”, Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies 14: 20-36.

——— 2020: “A comparison of the Pāli and Chinese versions of Nāga Saṃyutta , Supaṇṇa Saṃyutta , and Valāhaka Saṃyutta , early Buddhist discourse collections on mythical dragons, birds, and cloud deva s”, Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies 18: 42-65.


This is the published text:

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