Academic literature on "reliable sources of Dhamma-Vinaya"

Yes, I am trying to identify all the academic sources that a relevant to the topic of identifying “reliable sources of Dhamma-Vinaya.”

For example, the two mentioned in an above reply, Samyukta Agama and the Samyutta Nikaya.

But the goal of the research would be to identify the full range of the textual sources that reliably and accurately represent the Dhamma-Vinaya.

As such, commentaries and texts that were created later on even if they were (falsely) attributed to the Buddha are not considered “reliable sources of Dhamma-Vinaya” in the context of my research because they are not considered directly representative of the Dhamma-Vinaya, either because they do not claim to be (commentaries) or are falsely attributed to the Buddha (some later Buddhist texts).

Another way to say this is to undertake the research to determine the full range of early Buddhist text, I want to do a more comprehensive/scholarly version of sort of like what I attempted to do here in a preliminary sense: