Ajahn Brahmali---Sunday Sutta Class (Digha Nikaya 16)---Dhammaloka 2003--present

Hello @Gabriel, thank you for your input!

I see your point of view and understand your frustration, luckily there seems to be a way to please all :smile:. Your suggestion about posting in a single topic would unfortunately defeat the purpose (if you are interested why, see below), but maybe you would like to try this:

If you select the AV category you will see a button on the upper right corner like this:

I’m sure one of this options will achieve exactly what you prefer while still enabling other users to choose for themselves whether they are interested in those posted audio resources. Could you try it out and tell us if it works as expected. I must admit I haven’t explored this option for now—I just tend to skip what doesn’t interest me at the moment, luckily this forum is not super cluttered yet :smile:.

There will always be different interests for different people on this forum; that much is unavoidable. My reasoning for posting these audio talks here—per request I still have pinned at the top :smile:—is primarily to provide an easy access to study resources for those who prefer to study the suttas.

The magic behind SuttaCentral IDs connects the suttas automagically with the topics containing the referencing IDs (I believe this is currently broken, but will be fixed in SuttaCentral version next).

So you see why a single topic would not work very well—it would reference pretty much all the suttas eventually. I’m sure you will appreciate this once it is operational again, since it will also link the suttas with all the other interesting discussion threads, and maybe someone will benefit precisely from your input in one of those discussions.

Nonetheless, I’m currently posting no more than 3–4 new topics daily so I hope this will not be too annoying for other members as well.

I hope this is of help, otherwise maybe someone else will be able to offer a helping suggestion; this is where community usually shines.

Be well and enjoy exploring the Dhamma further!