BSWA Bhikkhuni & Bhikkhu Sangha---Sunday Sutta Class (Digha Nikaya)---Dhammaloka 2003--present

Thank you, this is my position also. Especially after response and encouragement here:

As for the kitchen sink: it is very difficult to guess what will be of benefit to whom. For someone interested in intellectually dissecting the intricate pali grammar cases anything but heavy pali quoting may be perceived as clutter here. Or there may even be certain topics or teachers standing firmly behind them—like the ‘vivicceva kāmehi’ meaning secluded from the five senses —that may challenge one’s views and would perhaps make such teachings and teachers scorned to the point of not being in line with the ‘true meaning’ of the EBTs and also deemed inappropriate here.

Or someone may still be very early on the path and some inspirational talks or devotional chanting or meditation instructions would ease their minds and slowly deepen their understanding to the point that would eventually enable them to benefit from the wealth of resources both here and on Sutta Central.

I would definitely rather see a multitude of (quality) resources connected to and inspired by EBTs available for everyone to choose for themselves rather than a few selected ones approved by experts.

Organization of hierarchically grouped resources is something which a flat forum structure is not ideally built for, this much is evident. And we already discussed difficulties regarding automatic linkage of suttas to specific thread if all audio resources were to be posted in a single thread, here:

All of this of course does not preclude someone to later implement the organizing and categorizing of these resources—as you aptly suggest—and all this can be achieved with just a few lines of markdown like this:

BSWA Sutta Class

Majjhima Nikaya

Anyway, for those interested, the motivation and selection of audio resources gathered in these threads is available here (as part of reply in a similar thread):