Alternative translation for 'Viveka'?

It’s true that there is some confusion about how Right View can be both the forerunner and also be at the very top end of the path, too!

I think the reason is that many people’s understanding of Right View is very narrow and limited to specific contexts, but this ignores the other ways Right View is described in the suttas. Often Right View is described in very simple, everyday contexts that we can easily apprehend for ourselves, such as understanding the benefit of giving, being good to your parents, and other ethical conduct, like the ten wholesome actions, where right view is also the last factor in the list, but all the proceeding factors also are shaped by right view. I recently wrote a post about that here, which you may be interested in reading. (it’s a long post, and I discuss right view about halfway through). Thinking about Right View more broadly, helps us understand how it is necessary for the foundations of our meditation practice, which grows and develops and becomes perfected, rather than only thinking of it as the result of meditation, or the very end of the path.