Analayo Bhikkhu---E-Learning Course on Women in Indian Buddhism---2015

I add warm thanks to musiko for taking the trouble to share these wonderful resources and the beautiful intention behind doing so, and likewise to @Brenna for raising the important issue about copyright.

For sure, there are all sort of ways to approach it philosophically and on the the forum we’ve previously seen some marvellously erudite descriptions of the various flaws of copyright law from the forum’s big cheese himself, no less. That said, advocating for changes to or outright scraping copyright law is entirely different to actually violating work protected under it. Just as Brenna says we try to respect people’s work and this is reflected in the TOS.

With the course in question, however, while I have to admit to not knowing how things work from a technical stand point I think the concern of handling the material with proper respect is suitably satisfied by the fact that this course is already freely and publicly available online (published by the content producer):