Richard Gombrich---New Discoveries about the Origins of the Buddhist Nuns---2017

Dear Rose, thank you so much for your feedback!

I post all the resources from my personal study collection, and while I may not always agree with the premises or conclusions of some of them, they are—in my opinion—still valuable resources regarding important topics which need to be explored from different perspectives. In my experience there is no possibility for growth if one is exposed to agreeable views only.

Having said that I assure you that I would never post anything that was disrespectful to any being regardless of gender or creed, or with blatant disregard for facts in favour of one’s views.

As for your suggestion: I think it is a great idea to put a synopsis of every talk in those threads. Unfortunately I’m just a little mouse and it is already quite a feat for me to prepare and post all these talks alone.

Since this is a community site I was hoping for a helping hand: maybe you would be so kind to offer not only a synopsis (just a quick reply post outlining two or three major topics would be great—hopefully after listening to the entire talk :slight_smile:), but perhaps even start a new thread with your reflections on the issues that are worth exploring. In this way this resources will achieve their purpose: to extend our knowledge and understanding through wise consideration and discussion.

Wishing you all the best on your path! And thank you again for your feedback, I hope these resources will prove themselves as valuable to you and to all the members of this community as they were to me.