Ānāpāna in the Saṃyukta Āgama

In SN 54.11 it’s said that the Buddha spent three months in seclusion in concentration by mindfulness of breathing and afterwards he comments that even for arahants:


Basically it seems to me he did it for the same reason he lived in the wilderness, mentioned in MN 4:


don’t know if you noticed, but i guess the content featured there must by now have found home on SC because

The Ekottara reminds us that the Buddha said: 'a monk should know that i always admire and praise someone who knows how to be grateful. So i express my tremendous gratitude to the translators for making this work available, and to all those who have assisted in typing and other ways, especially: Julie, Denise, Marianna, Teresa, Sooi, Nilushi, and Bhikkhuni Samacitta.

Bhikkhu Sujato

No, I haven’t translated any Chinese suttas. Which is good, because i don’t know Chinese, so that works out well! These translations are by Bhikkhu Pasadika, and are available on SC. The link you gave is to an old, unmaintained site.


Wow, was that your translation? That’s impressive!

Maybe we will learn that DN/DA (continuing into its “second volume” MA/MN) is broadly the first doctrinally, and jhana is the meditation instruction at the heart of it.

Then anapana becomes deriguer after the suicide crisis amongst the impurities practitioners.

SN/SA come later, perhaps amongst a generation where jhana practice had effectively been lost, think larger urban institutional monasteries, (dominating the production of oral texts, away from the more likely out bush jhana practitioners) where brahmaviharas, anapanas, satipathanas etc duked it out for influence.

Will think/search some more.

Love the thread.

This is more or less true of DN and MN as well.

SA 809 appears to be a later interpolation into the collection from a similar story in the Vinaya, which is why it takes a form very different than every other text in the anapana samyukta. Ven. Analayo covers this in detail.

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