Ancient words, present choices, future visions—retreat with Bhante Sujato 2019

All events with Bhante Sujato in Europe

29th December 2019–8th January 2020 in Huy, Belgium


Ancient words, present choices, future visions

Buddhists like to talk about living in the moment. But the reality is that we inherit a vast tradition including ancient scriptures from the Buddha himself. A meaningful response to Buddhist ideas takes into account the heritage of the past in making choices for the future. And just as the people in the past—the creators of our tradition starting with the Buddha—made choices that still affect us today, the choices we make now will determine the future of others who live on this planet after us.

Is it possible that, learning from the wisdom of the Buddhist heritage, we can live our life today in a way that makes sense of the looming threats of the future?

Bhante Sujato, 2019

All information on the retreat including online registration form

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I have questions! Is it possible to practice solitary meditation when choosing a double/shared room? And does the registration fee cover part of the basic accommodation costs—or not?

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Any donation will be used to cover the costs first. If there is more, it will be used as outlined on the website, half for SuttaCentral and half for Tilorien Monastery.

The registration fee serves primarily an organizational purpose: Without it we had quite a lot of short term cancellations in the past which caused costs for us; and, even more difficult, quite a number of people didn’t even take the trouble to cancel and just didn’t show up, so that we had to pay the full accommodation for them. The registration fee is in order to avoid such inconveniences for Samita.

As for the solitary meditation, I haven’t been there to the place and don’t know all the details. Of course you can always sit in the meditation hall. But I can’t tell if there are other corners where you can sit alone. I would suspect there are, as it is a big area. Maybe Ayya @Vimala can say more?

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Thanks for the information. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have registered! I’m looking forward to attending the retreat. :slightly_smiling_face: :dharmawheel:


Looking forward to meeting you there! :meditation: