Another round: alcohol

Hopefully updated list:


The level of consumption that minimises an individualā€™s risk is 0 g of ethanol per week, largely driven by the fact that the estimated protective effects for ischaemic heart disease and diabetes in women are offset by monotonic associations with cancer.

The Blessed One said: "Ananda, Udayiā€™s way of presentation, with which Carpenter Fivetools disagreed, was correct, indeed.
But also Carpenter Fivetoolā€™s way of presentation, with which Udayi disagreed, was correct.
In one way of presentation, I have spoken of two kinds of feelings, and in other ways of presentation, I have spoken of three, of six, of eighteen, of thirty-six, and of one hundred and eight kinds of feelings.[2]
So the Dhamma has been shown by me in different ways of presentation.
Bahuvedaniya Sutta: The Many Kinds of Feeling

It seems that the Buddha often presented the Dhamma, for example items found on a list, in different ways. Thus, all the lists (actually) taught by the Buddha seems to be considered correct by him, even if the lists are not always identical.