πŸ‡°πŸ‡­ Are they practice monasteries in Cambodia?

Hello everyone,

I might go to Cambodia by the end of this year or beginning of the next year. Do you any good monasteries over there ?

You might ask @Paul1


Hello @paul1

Would be able to tell me if you know some practice monasteries in Cambodia ?

Thank you very much

No, the only connection with Western meditation is the Goenka Vipassana centre. They may be able to give contacts. Cambodia has not yet recovered from the civil strife when a lot of the monks were killed. In general it has a dependency on outside help.

The monks just perform ceremonies in Khmer language.
The pilgrimage centre is Angkor Wat.

When you speak about the civil strife, you are referring to the red khmer’s genocide, right ?

Please Paul, would you give me the favor to speak about how is buddhism in Cambodia ?
Do the monks teach generosity, virtue and meditation or do they just perform blessing ceremonies ?
Is there any pilgrimage over there worth going to ?
Is there or was there any famous meditation monk over there ?

I’d like to stay over there for a while, but I’m wondering if that would be beneficial (at least not detrimental) for my practice as well.