⚠ Attention! Voice.suttacentral.net users

If you are using Voice.suttacentral.net now, please be aware that we will need to shut it down in 2024 and move users to the new SC-Voice.net.

We can no longer maintain the Voice.suttacentral.net software and have had to rewrite it for SC-Voice.net.

We are interested in how many of you are regularly using the old Voice.suttacentral.net. Please fill out this survey to let us know.

0 voters

The purpose of this survey is to get an idea what might help to make the transition for users of the old Voice.suttacentral.net as easy as possible.

Feel free to ask questions in this thread.


voice.suttacentral.net is now shut down. Please use sc-voice.net instead.



Congratulations Karl. Turning off the legacy platform is sometimes more challenging than turning on the new one :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I continue to use sc-voice regularly.

:pray:t2: :elephant: