Audio recordings from Bhante Sujato's Metta Retreat 2023

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share the recordings I have of Bhante Sujato’s teachings that he gave during the Metta Retreat in Sydney over Christmas 2023.

Hope that some of you will find them useful!

Unfortunately I don’t have the recordings from the first 2 days. Enjoy!

Day 3:
Morning: Metta meditation instructions
Evening: Five hindrances

Day 4:
Morning: Summary of meditation instructions
Evening: Five spiritual faculties

Day 5:
Morning: Metta for a loved one
Evening: Five jhana factors

Day 6:
Morning: Metta for a neutral person
Evening: Entering jhana

Day 7:
Morning: Silent group meditation
Evening: Four noble truths

Day 8:
Morning: Recap of metta meditation instructions
Evening: Continuing the practice


thank you very much for makings these recordings, and making them available online.

would you (or anyone else ) know how to download them on to a computer as normal audio files (mp3) that can be played on other devices? i don’t have a personal mobile phone and am unfamiliar with google recorder. i can only access these files on a computer through this suttacentral link and have limited internet .

thanks for any info.

with metta
munissara bhikkhuni


I opened one of the files on my Macbook and discovered it can search the audio for a search term I typed in. … Wow!!!


I will turn them into mp3s!


thank you very much,michael.
can you pls kindly put a link on this thread to where they can be accessed once you’ve done so? thanks!


Hi Ayya @munissara,
I’ve just uploaded the retreat to where Bhante Sujato’s Friday recordings can also be found - I also placed a link to the whole retreat as a .zip file, too :pray:.