Bhante Sujato — Encounters With The Buddha's Words — 2019 Buddhist Library Sydney

The stuff mentioned in relation to MN23 (Tbe Ant-Hill) are:

Set of 4 perspectives

  1. Literal – [is]
  2. Moral - practical — [ought]
  3. Metaphorical - creative — [maybe]
  4. Transcendant — [?]

kumārakassapa - KN:Thag2.41, AN1.217, DN23 (Parallel: The Story of Paesi (Paesi-kahanayam): Soul and Body in Ancient India: A Dialogue on Materialism; Text, Translation, Notes and Glossary; Article in Journal of the American Oriental Society 123(4):913 · October 2003, Vin:(Pli-Tv-)Kd1 (62 Gabbhavīsūpasampadānujānana)

  • WY: Casket as a translation for caṅgavāra is cool! Also a memory of how I used to build metaphorical bunkers to protect my own feelings. (Bhante Sujato: “It’s okay to feel pain, as you learn in meditation.” 20190715 Thank you!)

maṃsapesi - MN54
-WY: lump of meat being a symbol for nandīrāga has the additional features of it being anicca (meat rots; one’s desires changes, often when one has that which one desires in hand, it is no longer wanted).

satthaṃ ādāyā - WY: in addition to sattha being a symbol for wisdom, does anyone else see a relation to satthaharaka? E.g. How wisdom can be a danger, when not tampered by kindness & compassion? (Thank you for the reminder that there are “sharks” (danger, though not MN67) in the ocean (which I feel is reading suttas in Pāli akin to as opposed to reading the English translation “a small pool”), thankfully there are many rafts (like modern day teachers of Early Buddhist Texts and MN22).

Apologies for putting so much of my own thoughts here.

PS - Mirkwood is awesome!

Links to DN21:
Part 1 (Part 7 of series):
Part 2 (Part 8 of series):
mp3 files (downloaded them as mp3, edited using Audacity, export as .flac, lame -b 16 -1 --resample 11 --lowpass 5 -X3 *.flac output.mp3 as suggested by Musiko, thank you; established when we were editing sutta readings from Ajahn Brahmali’s retreats):
Part 1:
Part 2:

ekantavāda ekantasīlā ekantachandā ekanta ājjhosāna
taṇhāsaṅkhayavimutta (MN37)

Thank you.