Bhante Sujato---Metta Meditation Retreat---2013

Deeper dhamma talks and meditation instructions for developing loving kindness (metta) given by Bhante Sujato, including Q&A sessions on 9 day intensive retreats. Large archive of retreat talks is also maintained and published occasionally here.

The following archive provides a collection of all publicly available meditation retreats led by Bhante Sujato for easy and mobile friendly access (hour and a half long talks usually do not exceed 15 MB of download).

Bhante Sujato deeper Dhamma talks and Q&A given on metta meditation retreat in December 2013 in Germany

Bhante Sujato 01 Introduction 1/26 87′ 9,91 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 02 Guided meditation 2/26 31′ 3,49 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 03 Subject Object Duality 3/26 96′ 10,98 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 04 Q&A 4/26 35′ 3,94 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 05 Guided meditation 5/26 44′ 5,01 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 06 The Five Hindrances 6/26 116′ 13,24 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 07 Guided meditation 7/26 45′ 5,05 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 08 Gradual Training 8/26 93′ 10,64 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 09 Q&A 9/26 36′ 4,04 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 10 Guided meditation 10/26 41′ 4,59 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 11 Practice of Meditation 11/26 86′ 9,82 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 12 Q&A 12/26 36′ 4,03 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 13 Guided meditation 13/26 41′ 4,69 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 14 Women in Buddhism 14/26 121′ 13,79 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 15 Guided meditation 15/26 44′ 4,98 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 16 Four Iddhipadas 16/26 85′ 9,68 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 17 Q&A 17/26 54′ 6,16 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 18 Guided meditation 18/26 48′ 5,44 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 19 Jhana Factors 19/26 101′ 11,55 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 20 Q&A 20/26 29′ 3,30 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 21 Guided meditation 21/26 48′ 5,48 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 22 Dependent Origination 22/26 162′ 18,48 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 23 Guided meditation 23/26 46′ 5,17 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 24 Q&A 24/26 144′ 16,41 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 25 Guided meditation 25/26 34′ 3,82 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato 26 Chanting Metta Sutta 26/26 10′ 1,07 MB :arrow_down:

Bhante Sujato deeper Dhamma talks and Q&A given on metta meditation retreat in December 2013 in Sri Lanka

Bhante Sujato Chanting 1 1/12 3′ 258 KB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato Talk 1: Your Thoughts Your Breath & Your Meditation 2/12 52′ 5,91 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato Q&A 1 3/12 52′ 6,07 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato Talk 2: Calm Your Mind With Metta Meditation 4/12 38′ 4,38 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato Q&A 2 5/12 61′ 7,11 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato Chanting 2 6/12 4′ 388 KB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato Talk 3: Letting Go In Meditation 7/12 61′ 6,94 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato Guided Meditation 1 8/12 40′ 4,30 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato Q&A 3 9/12 61′ 6,96 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato Talk 4: Tips for Practicing Metta Meditation 10/12 35′ 4,03 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato Guided Meditation 2 11/12 32′ 3,46 MB :arrow_down:
Bhante Sujato Q&A 4 12/12 68′ 7,71 MB :arrow_down:

Links to similar content


*Q&A 3 and 4 seems to belong to somewhere else.

Day 5 talk 2 seems to be missing.

With metta,



Are you talking here of the retreat in Germany or in Sri Lanka? If it’s Germany I am happy to check.


Sorry for being unclear. It’s the retreat in Sri Lanka.

Thanks so much for a super fast response.

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Ah, the good old days, when Buddhists talked about peace and love all the time.

Thanks @dheerayupa, those two do seem misplaced.

There are additional talks from the Bhante’s 2013 visit to Colombo here:

and it does seem that the Q&A 3 and 4 might fit better with the two talks labeled as ‘Retreat talks’:

  • Having Nice Time Through Meditation
  • Reflections For a Happy New Year

If you can confirm that Q&A 3 and 4 are actually part of those two talks I will move them there: Bhante Sujato---Dhamma Talks---Sri Lanka

I don’t remember exactly where those original audio files are from, I believe I salvaged them from the old site, which is no longer available. Only three of the public talks from 2013 event are available on the new site here:, but the 2013 retreat part is not there any more.

Sadly, this is all I have :cry:


At the moment, I’m in a metropolitan Bangkok with unlimited high speed internet. so, I try to download as many talks as I can, but won’t have time to listen to them. Have to wait till I get back to my residence (the outback of Australia).

Anumodana to you for trying to get all wonderful talks in the same place. :smile:

With gratitude,
