Bhante Sujato---Metta Meditation Retreat---2013

Thanks @dheerayupa, those two do seem misplaced.

There are additional talks from the Bhante’s 2013 visit to Colombo here:

and it does seem that the Q&A 3 and 4 might fit better with the two talks labeled as ‘Retreat talks’:

  • Having Nice Time Through Meditation
  • Reflections For a Happy New Year

If you can confirm that Q&A 3 and 4 are actually part of those two talks I will move them there: Bhante Sujato---Dhamma Talks---Sri Lanka

I don’t remember exactly where those original audio files are from, I believe I salvaged them from the old site, which is no longer available. Only three of the public talks from 2013 event are available on the new site here:, but the 2013 retreat part is not there any more.

Sadly, this is all I have :cry: