That’s right. People will usually refer to the new dictionary as Cone [ETA: or DOP] to disambiguate.
OH. CONE … I couldn’t follow the idea of there being two PTS dictionaries at all.
Only the PED is available copyright free in digital form. I think I’ve seen a pirated version of Cone Vol I, which rather surprised me: but I suppose nonBuddhists study Pali for academic reasons?
It’s simply a matter of personal taste whether one consults the PED/PTS website or through the ‘Golden Dict’ app.
PED= Rhys-Davids/Stede (about 100 years old)
DOP= Cone (still being written)
There is actually an older dictionary by Childers which has some interesting entries. I sometimes recommend it to very new students since the entries are listed in Western alphabetical order.
@stephen yes this works better for me, for various user interface reasons! Thank you