Bhikkhu Bodhi on Nibbāna

I asked about the realm with body only, and the answer I got was that from previous mind moment before cessation it continues. Time for the mind doesn’t exist in the cessation, so it doesn’t feel like time had passed.

Also, I suspect that it’s also the fact that there’s still a living body there for those in absorption. Rupa conditions consciousness which conditions back namarupa and it restarts.

Only when all 5 aggregates are dismantled that there’s nothing left to arise.

This is just referring to the fact that non returners can attain to cessation of perception and feeling. And they are reborn in the form realm, which is equal to mind made devas.

I am not sure if you had seen the post I made about 9 levels of nothingness, given by a physicist from philosophy point of view. Anyway, I think it’s clear from how I described it. Nothingness formless realm still has perception, neither perception nor non perception still has that little bit of water left. And cessation of perception and feeling is still impermanent as there’s the living body which makes the mind arise again.

Only when there’s no more possibility for mind to arise again too and no 5 aggregates, that’s the ultimate nothing of parinibbāna.

Cessation of perception and feeling is different from the body only rupa realm as the body only rupa realm still has the underlying defilements which generates new mind for rebirth. And the arahant who died has no more such possibility, and discarded body and mind.

It’s not yet, there’s still perception there.

There’s still the living body, but no mind.

The goal is to dismantle all origin of the world so that it never arise again. World, suffering, taints, basically related to each other. So when all causes for arising is gone, there cannot be further arising.

Here, linked, it seems that I mapped formless nothing to only level 6, and there’s up to 9 levels.