"Level 9th of Nothing" - Does this sound like Nibbana to you?

I analysed this in SBS internal forum, let’s see if I can reproduce the main points.

5 things in Buddhism approaches nothingness. I leave out emptiness here.

  1. The 4th jhāna brahma realm where one is unconscious. As soon as perception arises the being falls from that realm. It could be the cessation experienced by outsiders who had claimed some cessation experience or enlightenment.

  2. Formless attainments, where form fades away. It’s nothing to the materialist.

  3. The 3rd formless attainment of nothingness, where there’s nothing. Actually there’s still perception of nothing, feeling of neither pleasant nor unpleasant, consciousness etc.

  4. The cessation of perceptions and feelings.

  5. Parinibbana or Nibbana without remainder.

In the video of 9 levels of nothingness, not everything maps well, since she did removed the physical things first before the mental.

Level 5 nothing seems like the attainment of formless in no. 2,

Level 6 nothing seems like the attainment of nothingness in no. 3.

Level 7 nothing seems like the cessation of perceptions and feelings. As consciousness also ceases.

Level 9 nothing then is parinibbana.

Main difference is that there’s no possiblity of consciousness arising again from parinibbana whereas cessation of perception and feelings absorption is temporary.