Bhikkhu Bodhi’s In The Buddha’s Words VIII: Mastering the Mind

5 posts were split to a new topic: How could I become a buddhist priest

Greetings @TheSolitaryBuddhist and welcome to the forum of Sutta Central.

We operate an archive with a search function on all posts within this forum. As such, we try to keep posts directly related to the topic. If you have a different question that is about a different issue than the OP, it is best to start a new thread in the appropriate category :slight_smile:
As such, on behalf of the moderators, I’ve moved your enquiry to a new thread of it’s own, as per the link above.
This forum exists primarily as a support for the work of Sutta Central, which focuses on making the Dhamma of the Early Buddist Texts available. As such, we encourage discussions to keep a focus on this. Best wishes :pray: