How could I become a buddhist priest

Wiki definition of priest : A priest is a religious leader authorized to perform the sacred rituals of a religion, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and one or more deities. They also have the authority or power to administer religious rites; in particular, rites of sacrifice to, and propitiation of, a deity or deities.

This is NOT a description of Buddhist monastics. Best not to use the word priest for Buddhist monastics, although in some countries, where adherence to Buddhist monastic code is quite lax or corrupted, some monks/nuns act like “priests”. Not good.

To go forth, to become a Buddhist monastic, male or female, is to leave behind the family, relatives, friends, job, and to live among the celibate monks or nuns, according to the monastic rules prescribed by the Buddha in the Vinaya. There has to be a community of monks or nuns where you are, or where you are going, who is willing to accept you to live with them, after proper ordination process to see if you are a suitable qualified candidate. You will become a financial burden to the community because monks and nuns survive on alms-food and no longer earn an income like householders.

Even more important, what is the goal to become a monastic? The Buddha had explained that one needs not go forth to attain liberation, Cessation of Dukkha (the 3rd Noble Truth), which should be the aim and end goal of all Buddhists. Monastic life is a life-style alternative, the means to an end. Never mix up “the means” and “the end”. Please study the sutta MN-73, The Longer Discourse With Vacchagotta.

To be a teacher is a great responsibility. To spread wrong information has its karmic consequence. Being a teacher also carries a measure of “superiority” relative to the students, a “conceit”. It feeds the ego self, quite troublesome for one trying to break the fetters of rebirths. Unless one is an “aryan-sangha” it’s best not to think of oneself as a “teacher” and teaching, but rather sharing the teachings through discussion. Have the humility that one has not thoroughly understood the Dhamma and could be wrong.

For those already married, consider the impact on the partner and the vow pledged to enter the marriage. Of course the Buddha himself is one example of a married person going forth. Examine all the factors and conditions, best not to generate more suffering if possible. Be well. Metta to all.