Bilara-data folder structure proposal

Fine with me!

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Thanks, Anagarika! I’m now looking into bringing over all new content from the old folders into the new folders…

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That means I will stop editing existing content or adding new content from now on until we’re done, I guess.

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Ah yes! Thanks for the reminder. Please also close out any branches that you may have open.

Ajahn @Brahmali, I am less familiar with your authoring paradigm, but similar concerns will apply. The destination for all your edits is changing. To avoid content loss, please keep your changes offline until we have completed the merge. Also make a record of recent changes so that we can ensure that the merge is successful. Any new content of yours must appear in sutta-vinaya-abhidhamma branch or might be lost.


There’s one open. I guess I’ll be done with that in about 30 min. I’ll still publish that one and let you know when done.

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I am currently merging master content into sutta-vinaya-abhidhamma. Please review that these are correctly named and placed. We should all make necessary corrections in the sutta-vinaya-abhidhamma branch:

@sujato @brahamali I noticed a lot of changes in root files:

924 pli-tv-bi-vb-pc56_root-pli-ms.json differ
925 pli-tv-bi-vb-pc93_root-pli-ms.json differ
926 pli-tv-bi-vb-pj6_root-pli-ms.json differ
927 pli-tv-bi-vb-pj7_root-pli-ms.json differ
928 pli-tv-bi-vb-sk1-75_root-pli-ms.json differ
929 pli-tv-bi-vb-ss1_root-pli-ms.json differ
930 pli-tv-bi-vb-ss4_root-pli-ms.json differ
931 pli-tv-bu-vb-np16_root-pli-ms.json differ
932 pli-tv-bu-vb-np22_root-pli-ms.json differ
933 pli-tv-bu-vb-np24_root-pli-ms.json differ
934 pli-tv-bu-vb-np29_root-pli-ms.json differ
935 pli-tv-bu-vb-np3_root-pli-ms.json differ
936 pli-tv-bu-vb-np5_root-pli-ms.json differ
937 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc10_root-pli-ms.json differ
938 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc12_root-pli-ms.json differ
939 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc21_root-pli-ms.json differ
940 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc22_root-pli-ms.json differ
941 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc2_root-pli-ms.json differ
942 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc34_root-pli-ms.json differ
943 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc39_root-pli-ms.json differ
944 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc3_root-pli-ms.json differ
945 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc43_root-pli-ms.json differ
946 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc44_root-pli-ms.json differ
947 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc48_root-pli-ms.json differ
948 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc58_root-pli-ms.json differ
949 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc5_root-pli-ms.json differ
950 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc64_root-pli-ms.json differ
951 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc68_root-pli-ms.json differ
952 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc6_root-pli-ms.json differ
953 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc7_root-pli-ms.json differ
954 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc81_root-pli-ms.json differ
955 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc84_root-pli-ms.json differ
956 pli-tv-bu-vb-pc9_root-pli-ms.json differ
957 pli-tv-bu-vb-pj1_root-pli-ms.json differ
958 pli-tv-bu-vb-pj2_root-pli-ms.json differ
959 pli-tv-bu-vb-pj4_root-pli-ms.json differ
960 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk14_root-pli-ms.json differ
961 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk15_root-pli-ms.json differ
962 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk17_root-pli-ms.json differ
963 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk19_root-pli-ms.json differ
964 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk21_root-pli-ms.json differ
965 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk23_root-pli-ms.json differ
966 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk25_root-pli-ms.json differ
967 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk27_root-pli-ms.json differ
968 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk28_root-pli-ms.json differ
969 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk30_root-pli-ms.json differ
970 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk32_root-pli-ms.json differ
971 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk38_root-pli-ms.json differ
972 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk41_root-pli-ms.json differ
973 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk42_root-pli-ms.json differ
974 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk43_root-pli-ms.json differ
975 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk49_root-pli-ms.json differ
976 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk50_root-pli-ms.json differ
977 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk51_root-pli-ms.json differ
978 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk52_root-pli-ms.json differ
979 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk54_root-pli-ms.json differ
980 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk57_root-pli-ms.json differ
981 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk58_root-pli-ms.json differ
982 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk59_root-pli-ms.json differ
983 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk60_root-pli-ms.json differ
984 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk61_root-pli-ms.json differ
985 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk62_root-pli-ms.json differ
986 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk63_root-pli-ms.json differ
988 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk65_root-pli-ms.json differ
989 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk68_root-pli-ms.json differ
990 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk69_root-pli-ms.json differ
991 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk70_root-pli-ms.json differ
992 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk71_root-pli-ms.json differ
993 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk72_root-pli-ms.json differ
994 pli-tv-bu-vb-sk73_root-pli-ms.json differ
995 pli-tv-bu-vb-ss1_root-pli-ms.json differ
996 pli-tv-bu-vb-ss6_root-pli-ms.json differ
997 pli-tv-bu-vb-ss7_root-pli-ms.json differ
998 pli-tv-kd11_root-pli-ms.json differ
999 pli-tv-kd9_root-pli-ms.json differ

These surprised me because they are root files from which Ajahn Brahmali may already have made translations. Examples of differences are:

2 27,28c27,28
3 < “pli-tv-bi-vb-pc56:2.1.5”: “Abhikkhuko nāma āvāso”,
4 < “pli-tv-bi-vb-pc56:2.1.6”: “na sakkā hoti ovādāya vā saṃvāsāya vā gantuṃ.”,
5 —
6 > “pli-tv-bi-vb-pc56:2.1.5”: “Abhikkhuko nāma”,
7 > “pli-tv-bi-vb-pc56:2.1.6”: “āvāso na sakkā hoti ovādāya vā saṃvāsāya vā gantuṃ.”,
8 37c37
9 < }

What action is required? (8.1 KB)


AN3.101 done, merged and branch deleted. I’ll now keep my fingers away from your files.

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With the Vinaya files, keep the latest version used by Brahmali.

The changes are mostly to accommodate headings and the like. I have been coordinating these with Ven Brahmali, and we hope that they will not be too disruptive. The root of the problem is simply that when he began this translation, several years ago, we did it very differently and we have had to adapt across multiple systems. We won’t be able to really settle the texts down until the revision is finished. But anyway, this text is not published yet, so it will not affect the apps.


Hokay! Does this mean I can continue to make changes until Wednesday morning US west coast time?

So am I! My paradigm is to do stuff whenever I have the time. I will work around your schedule. It’s no problem for me.

Are you suggesting changes might get lost? I am not sure how I would make a record of all changes. And the question then is since when.

I did not translate from the segmented text, but from the original Mahāsaṅgīti document. Once the text was segmented, there was the occasional bad correspondence between my translations and the Pali segments. To fix this, I have sometimes had to adjust the Pali segments. Usually this has involved moving one or more Pali word from one segment to another. That’s all really. Entire segments have not been deleted. In fact, I am still occasionally making such changes.


I don’t think so, Venerable.

Karl has created the bilara-data branch called sutta-vinaya-abhidhamma which has the new folder structure, and copied all existing content from the old folders into this new branch. Since that time more edits have been done to the old folders, and in order to do the merge the new folders need to be updated by these edits.

If you keep making changes the updating process will never be finished. :smile:

I guess after the merge is done you will be able to make changes again. Until that time I too am restricting my work to my local working environment without touching the files in the GitHub repositories.

Probably this concerns all changes that have been made after the sutta-vinaya-abhidhamma branch has been created—I guess.


No problem, I can wait. I haven’t done any changes for quite a while anyway. Bilara has been down.

When did this happen?

Hmm, yes. I believe the Buddha warned against this.


Not entirely sure. A few days or a week ago, maximum two weeks I’d say.


Looking back, I made some unimportant changes to Kd.11 three days ago. If they get lost, no problem. Apart from that, I have made no changes in the past six days. Hopefully anything done prior to that will be incorporated in the new file system.

Anyway, for now I will keep away from editing. @Karl_lew, would you please let us know when we can get going again?

And thanks for all your good work! That’s to both of you. :grinning:


And the same back to you, Ajahn! :grin: :pray:


Scrolling back in this thread:

which has been posted 5 days ago. So you should be fine!


It looks good to me! That is, it looks pretty much the same way it did before. I haven’t checked each individual file, but I am guessing that is not required.

There is one slightly annoying bug with the file sequence as it is now and as it has been in the past, namely that the files do not all come in their proper place in the sequence. For instance, pācittiya 1 comes after pācittiya 19, pācittiya 2 after pācittiya 29, etc. The way to fix this, I presume, is to change pācittiya 1 to pācittiya 01, and the same for all the other single digit rules. Is this something that could be done easily? If so, it would be great if this could be implemented at some point. Whenever you can find the time, of course.


This is not a bug. It is simply the way JSON is dealing with numbers, and it has no impact at all on how things are displayed on the website(s). There is nothing to fix, the only thing is just that we have to get used to how to find our files in the repositories, that’s all.


I see. It can get quite messy, however, such as with the Parivāra. Here the files are all over the place. Is it the problem that there is a mismatch between the json numbering system and the sequencing algorithm on Githib?


This has to be answered by a more knowledgeable person than me. @karl_lew?


Thank you, Ajahn. Yes, I believe I have merged all your Kd changes into sutta-vinaya-abhidhamma. I double checked today and have confirmed that no new changes are in master.

Excellent. That is quite the relief. I have merged Ajahn Brahmali’s vinaya root changes into sutta-vinaya-abhidhamma branch.

Yes. I will start the merge in 24 hours at 0600 PST 1400GMT WED 2/19. All changes made before then will be merged in.

Git doesn’t lose things unless told to do so. But we are humanly fallible so double and triple checking will be necessary during the merge, which starts tomorrow. A simpler approach would be to refrain from changing anything this week until the merge is complete.

The branch was created on 1/21/2020 and has all changes made to master since then. At this point I think (?) we have everything in sutta-vinaya-abhidhamma. But of course I might be delusional.

I personally also prefer leading zero file numbering. However, that change is even more disruptive than the folder renaming. It is more disruptive because the software would have to deal with two conventions: sutta vs vinaya file numbering.

Long term, I’m hoping that Bilara itself will free us all up from the tyranny of alphabetic sorting of numeric filenames and that none of us will need to look at a file system listing again. In the interim, if using Linux, one can restore mental sanity somewhat with the “ls -v” option:


Sadly, I doubt Github will implement that particular feature anytime soon. As a consequence, I’ve brainwashed myself into alphabetically sorting filenames in my head. :cry: