Books or articles written on Right Knowledge and Right Liberation?

There is so little about it in the suttas that I wonder if and how anyone could have written anything substantial about it - maybe based on the chinese or sanskrit suttas, but not the pali. So the 10fold path is often mentioned, but just as a list, nowhere are the last two limbs defined (of course in the commentaries but not the suttas). Here are the very few exceptions:

AN 3.145 & AN 11.10: Right view / knowledge / liberation as the three qualities of the best among humans (probably arahants)

MN 117 says re. the 10-fold path: “the path of the disciple in higher training possesses eight factors, the arahant possesses ten factors” - which shows again that right knowledge & deliverance represent the end of the path. Some people have problems with the authenticity of MN 117 though: The value of MN117 and its serial Noble Tenfold Path

SN 55.26 has confusingly the 10-fold path ascribed to Anathapindika, who was a major lay supporter and sotapanna/stream-enterer, but not an arahant