Brahmacariya, celibacy survival guide: it's only as hard as you make it

Ha! Just noticed today is April 1, April Fools day. And this year, April is also Easter. Here is a woman delivering a special “easter egg”:

friend shared a nice video link, “childbirth delivery”:

36 meg, 10 min long.

We’re being told a FIB all the time, (f)ooled by the (i)mperative of (b)iology. People see sex organs and fornication as something beautiful, desirable, but the FIB really is a lie, just trying to trick us into procreation. Watching the childbirth video, it reminds you of the purpose of the sexual organs, and how un-beautiful (a-subha) penises and vaginas truly are.

Don’t be fooled by the FIB, don’t fall for the FIB. For a trifling few seconds of pleasure chemicals in the brain, the motive behind seeking sexual union, people cheat, lie, steal, kill, destroy their own lives and the lives of others. It’s not worth it. See the trick of biology as it really is, and stop falling for the same trap over and over again.