Brahmavihārā are dukkhā

Dukkha is different from conditioned, right? Are ‘dukkha’ and ‘conditioned’ literally synonyms? Can you substitute ‘conditioned’ for the word ‘dukkha’ in the entire Pali canon and it will make total sense? How about ‘the aggregates’ and ‘dukkha’? Are they literally synonymous? Can I do a word substitution replacing all references to ‘dukkha’ with ‘the aggregates’ and the Pali canon would still make total sense?

If not, then it would appear that you don’t believe ‘the aggregates’ and ‘dukkha’ are literally synonymous, right? So in what way are they “literally” the same then?

I say the are not literally the same anymore than ‘the aggregates’ and ‘burning chaff’ are… so I don’t have to answer that question. But those who maintain that ‘the aggregates’ are literally ‘dukkha’ should describe what that means if not literally synonymous. Fair is fair.
