Brahmavihārā are dukkhā

I didn’t say this:

“After doing an intentional deed by way of body, speech, or mind, reverend, one feels suffering.” Then, neither approving nor dismissing Samiddhi’s statement, Potaliputta got up from his seat and left.

I clearly stated that there’s 3 types of feelings to be felt depending on conditions, and go further to apply the characteristics of dukkha to them all.

The reply which is critiqued in the sutta is because just using dukkha alone without qualification would make people think that it’s dukkha dukkha, or dukkha due to unpleasant feelings. Whereas to make sense of pleasant feelings is also dukkha, one has to apply the dukkha due to change and dukkha due to conditionality, which are more subtle, not commonly known by those who are not educated in the Buddha’s dhamma.

Are you not familiar with the other 2 dukkhas? I made a whole thing about it here: Three types of Suffering - #63 by NgXinZhao