Three types of Suffering

Sorry I wish to clean this up a bit.

It’s clear that arahants while still alive is subject to change and conditionality. but has no corresponding mental suffering due to these.

So to be consistent, I will have to say the following.

  1. Suffering suffering, due to unpleasant feeling.

Arahants eliminated the mental unpleasant, but is still subject to physical unpleasant due to having a body.

  1. Suffering due to change. Arahants is still subject to change as the 5 aggregates, but have no mental suffering due to it, but maybe physical suffering due to old age and sickness and death are all changes.

  2. Suffering due to conditionality, the 5 aggregates of the arahant again are also subject to conditionality, but they do not lament, or have any complains about this mentally, just that they need to eat to survive, in that sense, hunger is a physical suffering for the arahant.

In short, analysing in terms of the 3 sufferings is not really illuminating to see which ones the arahant while alive had eliminated but far easier is to use the sutta on the 2 arrows. Arahants still got the physical arrow, but not mental one.

After parinibbāna, being without body and mind, there is no bodily unpleasant feeling nor mental unpleasant feeling, no suffering suffering.

Being without body and mind, there is nothing to change, and nothing to condition. Thus also no corresponding suffering of the other two.

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