Latest Scientific Knowledge & Sarvastivadins

Can you point out which part is wrong in this post?

Just in case you think only mental suffering counts as suffering, do remember that the definition of suffering includes: sorrow, lamentation, pain (physical), displeasure and despair.

And the 2nd discourse which says whatever is impermanent, is it satisfactory or unsatisfactory? Unsatisfactory venerable sir. Is what is impermanent, unsatisfactory, subject to change fit to be regarded thus, this is mine, this I am, this is myself? No Venerable sir.

Clinging or not doesn’t change the fact that the aggregates are impermanent and thus the notion of dissatisfactoriness applies, in terms of the 3 kinds of dukkha, it’s dukka due to change and conditionality. But arahants do not suffer mentally due to that, but there’s still this type of suffering due to the aggregates, the remainders.