Brahmavihārā are dukkhā

What all conditioned phenomena is dukkha is a categorical statement. Not a current statement. So if there’s a counter example to your statement of there’s no dukkha in Brahma realm, the categorical statement of there’s no dukkha in the Brahma realm is proven wrong. Doesn’t matter the time of the counter example.

To go back to the human example, the categorical statement would be that humans live for such a short time, referring to now as an example to generalize to all times. But the counter example, is that humans used to live longer, so the blanket statement that humans live for such a long time is false for not being general.


And if I were to teach the Dhamma, others might not understand me, which would be wearying and troublesome for me.’
Ahañceva kho pana dhammaṁ deseyyaṁ, pare ca me na ājāneyyuṁ, so mamassa kilamatho, sā mamassa vihesā’ti.

To answer the post, I think vihesā is purely physical for the arahants.