Three types of Suffering

Here’s a complication just introduced to me by my teacher.

The Buddha said he could experience vihesā.

From DPD, vihesā has 2 meanings.

  1. fem. irritation; annoyance; trouble [vi + √his + *ā]

  2. fem. harm; cruelty; viciousness; brutality [vi + √his + *ā]

According to the Ariyapariyesana Sutta, the recently awakened Buddha was disinclined to teach his discovery to others, as he anticipated that this would lead to fatigue and vihesā, so mam’ assa kilamatho, sā mam’ assa vihesā (M. I, 168). From analayo encyclopedia.

The way to avoid contradiction is to posit that vihesā might be physical unpleasant feeling or neutral feeling, as domanassa, mental unpleasant feeling is stated as not present in arahants according to Thg 248.

But first look at annoyance, we all would intuitively say that it has mental unpleasant feelings. Something has to give. What do you think?

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