Bridging Chinese Glyph with non-analytic language

HanZiPinXing online demo

This is my recent work on tackling the long haunting problem of Missing Chinese Characters (to be more precise, a Hanzi which has not been assigned a public codepoint). it is a pure html+js solution based on Glyphwiki , CJK up to Extension G ( 87000+ glyphs) takes only 4.5MB along with the capability to generate a glyph based on HanZiPiXing, which means to describe imaginary glyph by sequence of existing Chinese characters.

Here is the interesting part in relate to Pali text, since the glyph engine works at string-level (composing a variable length string into a fix width glyph), it opens up a new possibility to enhance the language itself, by attaching gender/num/case information directly onto the glyph.

There was an historical practice of using basic hanzi as an operator, we can see how it works on transcripting Mantra to Hanzi and example could be found in modern Chinese too( 咖啡 Coffee ), from technical point of view, 口 serves the “semantic removal” operation.

Should you have any experience in translating Pali (or other non-analytic language) to Chinese, my question is, what linguistic information worth to encode explicitly in plain text , for the sake of human and machine?
