BSWA Bhikkhuni & Bhikkhu Sangha---Friday Dhamma Talks---Dhammaloka 2016

Friday night guided meditation and Dhamma talk from bhikkhuni and bhikkhu sangha at Dhammaloka Centre, Perth, WA.

These talks are targeted at general public and are often very light-hearted at surface but nonetheless imbued with deep wisdom. The head teacher and spiritual director at BSWA is a world renowned and beloved meditation master Ajahn Brahm. He, together with many of his bhkkhuni and bhikkhu disciples like Ajahn Brahmali—which are gaining respect as excellent teachers on their own accord—offer this gift of Dhamma live every Friday here. Large archive of talks is also maintained and published regularly here.

The following archive provides a collection of all publicly available talks encoded for easy and mobile friendly access (hour long talks usually do not exceed 10 MB of download).

Ajahn Brahm Friday Meditation 1/1 30′ 3,45 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm The Wisdom Borne of Silence 1/1 62′ 7,08 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Friday Meditation 1/1 33′ 3,73 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm The Pure Land 1/1 63′ 7,14 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Friday Meditation 1/1 31′ 3,48 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Intellectual Materialism 1/1 59′ 6,71 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Nissarano Friday Meditation 1/1 31′ 3,52 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Nissarano Seeing The Essential As Essential 1/1 59′ 6,71 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Appichato Friday Meditation 1/1 32′ 3,64 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Appichato Quality of Life 1/1 50′ 5,66 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Friday Meditation 1/1 28′ 3,21 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Is Buddhism a religion? 1/1 64′ 7,28 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahmali Friday Meditation 1/1 31′ 3,55 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahmali Dependent Arising 1/1 60′ 6,90 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Friday Meditation 1/1 30′ 3,39 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Tiredness 1/1 59′ 6,75 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahmali Friday Meditation 1/1 32′ 3,70 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahmali Impermanence 1/1 64′ 7,36 MB :arrow_down:
Bhikkhuni Hasapanna Friday Meditation 1/1 39′ 4,39 MB :arrow_down:
Bhikkhuni Hasapanna Letting go of the self 1/1 64′ 7,27 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Friday Meditation 1/1 28′ 3,18 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Contentment 1/1 60′ 6,87 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Friday Meditation 1/1 29′ 3,34 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm The Mindfulness Retreat Trend 1/1 59′ 6,67 MB :arrow_down:
Bhikkhuni Hasapanna Friday Meditation 1/1 32′ 3,59 MB :arrow_down:
Bhikkhuni Hasapanna Developing Right View 1/1 74′ 8,37 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahmali The Future of Buddhism 1/1 71′ 8,11 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Hope 1/1 53′ 6,05 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Expectations 1/1 55′ 6,28 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Choices 1/1 61′ 6,93 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Peace 1/1 57′ 6,54 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Friday Meditation 1/1 25′ 2,85 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Chanting 1/1 57′ 6,53 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Serving Others and Giving Back 1/1 56′ 6,34 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Friday Meditation 1/1 27′ 3,11 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm The Real Teacher 1/1 62′ 7,05 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Connectedness 1/1 51′ 5,84 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahmali Friday Meditation 1/1 30′ 3,43 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Real Life 1/1 60′ 6,87 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Appichato Morality 1/1 59′ 6,76 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Hatred (and how to overcome it) 1/1 61′ 6,92 MB :arrow_down:
Bhikkhuni Hasapanna Friday Meditation 1/1 31′ 3,50 MB :arrow_down:
Bhikkhuni Hasapanna Honesty 1/1 59′ 6,69 MB :arrow_down:
Bhikkhuni Hasapanna Friday Meditation 1/1 30′ 3,36 MB :arrow_down:
Bhikkhuni Hasapanna Idiosyncracies 1/1 57′ 6,44 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Friday Meditation 1/1 27′ 3,09 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Courage 1/1 100′ 11,36 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm A Different Perspective On Empathy 1/1 82′ 9,40 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Friday Meditation 1/1 24′ 2,69 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Buddhism and How to be Healthy 1/1 55′ 6,31 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Friday Meditation 1/1 28′ 3,12 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm The Meaning of Life 1/1 48′ 5,44 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahmali How to deal with difficult events? 1/1 62′ 7,18 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm How to deal with blame and criticism 1/1 59′ 6,75 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Dealing with fear 1/1 49′ 5,58 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Develop Your Heart 1/1 66′ 7,56 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm A Guide To Making Difficult Ethical Decisions 1/1 63′ 7,14 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahmali Secularism & Buddhism 1/1 60′ 6,87 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm Why don’t monks run? 1/1 58′ 6,59 MB :arrow_down:
Ajahn Brahm How do you judge the year? 1/1 63′ 7,20 MB :arrow_down:

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