Buddhists with Spirit Guides?

My interest was piqued the other day when reading an article that mentioned the Zen term, Tariki Satori - attainment via the assistance of a spiritual guide.

I’m wondering if anyone can point me to any Buddhist accounts of such experiences - rather than just a theoretical overview of the term.

Thx :smiling_face:

It is not a attainment, but it is a spiritual help…

The Āṭānāṭiya Protection

DN 32

Mighty spirits hold a congregation, and warn the Buddha that, since not all spirits are friendly, the mendicants should learn verses of protection.


So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying near Rājagaha in the Hot Springs Monastery.

Then Venerable Samiddhi rose at the crack of dawn and went to the hot springs to bathe. When he had bathed and emerged from the water he stood in one robe drying his limbs.

Then, late at night, a glorious deity, lighting up the entire hot springs, went up to Samiddhi, stood to one side, and said to Samiddhi:

“Mendicant, do you remember the recitation passage and analysis of the one who has one fine night?”

“No, reverend, I do not. Do you?”

“I also do not. But do you remember just the verses on the one who has one fine night?

“I do not. Do you?”

“I also do not. Learn the recitation passage and analysis of the one who has one fine night, mendicant, memorize it, and remember it. It is beneficial and relates to the fundamentals of the spiritual life.”

That’s what that deity said, before vanishing right there.




Interesting. Thank you :blush:

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This is Pureland. It means other power.

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I use spirit guides in my practice, nothing mystical as I see it

Be well :umbrella::sparkles::open_umbrella:

Thank you, looks like I have to sign up so I’ll get on to reading that one later.

Edit: Have ordered the book. Thanks.

It’s not weird to my paradigm either, … but I thought Buddhists kinda dismissed spirit ( or equivalent) for the most part so was interested in learning more when coming across that term.

I think, it should be “A Spiritual Companion” rather than “A Spiritual Guide”.

“Be a lamp unto yourself”, seeks no external refuge.

“Dwell with yourself as an island, with yourselves as a refuge, with no other refuge”

I like the concept of ‘colleagues’ in this dynamic. Each with a part to play.

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I don’t know how “Buddhist” does it. There is energy and there is consciousness and a bit of free will to tweak and adjust energies, or meditate

Mind over matter.

It’s pretty simple, like all “mystical” when it is known directly, not by reading and quarreling