Building a Map

That’s great. I was keeping my Gmail just to be able to create my own maps with Goolge Maps, I was not aware of OSM. I’ll be able to delete my Google account now. Sweet.


Totally off topic, but what are you using instead of gmail?

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I use Protonmail, they have a free plan but I use the Plus plan with their VPN also (paid with bitcoins :wink: ). It was created by a group of scientists from CERN.

Here is a TED talk about them: “Andy Yen: Think your email’s private? Think again” The talk is quite old (2015) but it’s a good introduction.


Alright so this map feature, should be built in with the pronunciation feature. I am working out how perhaps it would look like. I will present a detailed layout and basic workable way to do this. It will follow some of the layout features of There are issues with that version, but it is what I will base the layout around. The Open Source Maps will most certainly be utilized for map creation.

I would like to say that my code skill is almost non-existent. Yet I do feel I know enough in describing a feature and how it would function in a very practical manner. Also without it being a burden to the true task of translation.

I am tied up until Friday evening with class work. After this I will work on a full presentation showing the feature with photos, functions, and method of structuring the data.

Updates before the presentation will be posted here.

Hopefully I can wrap it up by Sunday. I will post the presentation in a “New Topic” within Meta.


Sorry if I have missed it, but is there are GitHub ticket for this?

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I don’t really know where it fits in, and just now I’m not going to look up all the bits and bobs, but just to quickly note:

All the Google map data was imported into a uMap (underpinned by OSM) with PTS suttas references linked to the relevant suttas. The map is available here.

Of course, with the launch of “Next” (and the legacy-fying of the old site) all the links are now broken (although easily fixed with regex), but all the jsons are there.


I remember vaguely that the problem with uMap was that we cannot easily import it into the relevant sections of the site so we are using an old-fashioned google-map iframe for that.
But I just noticed that umap also has an iframe option so I don’t know.

And not all links are broken: only the vinaya ones that mention pi-tv-… etc and not pli-tv- …


In all honesty, I can’t remember a great deal from that endeavour at all. I was mostly just trying to point to the detail that the info was there (I think - but may well be wrong - that the .kml export that Google Maps gives didn’t make good friends with the other platform without some attention) and could be exported for whatever new endeavour, if it is relevant.

Oh, neat! I have to confess, I didn’t check, but just assumed. I guess there’s a redirect?


Yes, but come to think of it, I had changed the redirect to pi-files too … Can you make it a ticket for me and put that in IN PROGRESS:
Check redirect links from old vinaya links.


I made a test on
I tried zooming into one place and using the iframe provided. But it does not look that good: I think it cannot do a zoom or something into one particular spot? Maybe something you want to check out.



Yes, as I recall, the general feeling was that the platform was just too clunky and not up to a good enough standard to use (more here). I might have hoped that the development might have been carried forward a bit by now, but I guess not.

I guess I’ve seen worse things, but that’s not exactly the sound of a ringing endorsement.

I think the zoom detail can be easily addressed within the map’s settings (likewise with the info panel on the right). You can already do a zoom via the +/- in the top left (to memory I turned off scroll zoom because I got irritated accidentally zooming out when I wanted to scroll to the bottom or top of an info window).

That won’t work because you want to have a different zoom level for towns and for regions. Also the place it shows the map should be based on longitude/latitude so that has to be in the link too. When I look at the coding for the link, all that info is not there. See for instance the difference:

<iframe width="100%" height="300px" frameBorder="0" src=""></iframe>

and Google:

<iframe src=',81.757507'></iframe>

Maybe there is a way to add those details. I notice the scaleControl/zoomControl property as well as the miniMap property, but we would have to find out.

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Right. Neat. I think I misunderstood your original point. :smile:

Well, anyway, I suppose it will all go one way or another.

Sorry… I’m more of a butcher than a hacker… it couldn’t possibly be so straightforward as grabbing the location info from the main map URL?

eg. for Sāvatthī

Which I might then become:

<iframe width="100%" height="300px" frameBorder="0" src=""></iframe><p><a href="">See full screen</a></p>


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Actually scratch that, I just found the option to display the current view rather than full map view:

<iframe width="100%" height="300px" frameBorder="0" src=""></iframe><p><a href="">See full screen</a></p>

(edited to remove the data panel)

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I’ve updated the page so you can have a look.

In the mean time, I found the error with the links on that map: You use links to the old parallels-pages without the language code in there. The redirect only works for files that had a language code. I will change that.

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Took me a moment to work out what you meant, but figured it out (sorry, I guess you’ll have to do a lot of waiting for me to catch up!).

Yes, at the time, I paused for a moment to think about what to do. Originally I was just going to link directly to the EN suttas, but figured this was unfair to the non-anglophones. When I reconsider it now, this was a bit of an idiotic decision given that the map itself is in English… meh… what can I do about that. :laughing:

[quote=“Vimala, post:22, topic:8951”]
I’ve updated
Sorry, sorry, how about removing the data panel (I edited the above a moment later)?
(Did a hard refresh, to show the update.)

Wow this has gotten busy!

I hadn’t thought about the other languages. :sweat:
Originally I was thinking of a different approach where each location or region of the map would have it’s own file. This was approximately 200 maps when I looked it over. It would have been a little work to edit each map, but once they were finished they could be kept internally. This would remove any dependence on the reliability of another site.

With the other languages though this would be potentially thousands of maps. So I guess that’s probably outside the realm of possibility now.

Anyways, focusing on a possible user end organization of “context features” such as word, languages, definition, pronunciation (text & audio), map, etc, etc…

I do think this would all have to be approached together and presented in one of either two ways. Clicking on a word, location, etc… would open up either a blurb bubble, or a context bar. Originally I thought the bubble would be the way to go, but after seeing the context bar is way better. The reason for this is that the context bar stays as you continue scrolling through the sutra. It also doesn’t clutter the screen. As where with the bubble popup would make things more messy in appearance and would not be able to follow with scroll in a practical manner.

Here is example of this context window from

As you can see within the text of the sutra the words are nicely underlined. This fades after a few moments of resting on the screen. Each of this words can be clicked on and it brings up this context window. This is the part of the image describing the Bamboo Grove. This window can vary in size on the site, which as you can see is sometimes way to big. Also it fails to utilize space very well. Reorganize and better filling that space would stop it from being oversized. I would suggest making this context uniform in size and allow the option to scroll through text in this context window if even necessary. Also you can see the extra room available for maps. :smiley: Also the Audio pronunciation links could be put within the context window when a person clicks on the word.

There is so much that could be done with this. This was the bases for my presentation, a butchered version. It is the jest of it though.

Please take a look at and get a feel for how it works. It has it’s flaws, but it looks very close to a desirable feature that I think many users would enjoy and be surprised by.

Note: Probably won’t make a presentation now. I don’t think there is much more I could add. I was initially going to do more detailed photos for organization and detailed description for text presence, but I don’t think it will be necessary. It will have to be worked out with what is practical and that will take sometime.

I might try to work on a mock-up example of how a nicely organized “context window” would look like. A simple photo edit. Just depends on where the conversation goes.

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Don’t worry. It is fine as it is. All old links to various translations are now redirected to the suttaplex card for that sutta and as it happens, that’s the same link as the old parallel-pages (accept for the Vinaya files because the “pi” has been changed to “pli” in there). And they must be redirected too so I will have a look at how to do that.

Again, don’t worry about it. We don’t need maps in multiple languages, only English and also translations can link to that.

Thank you for doing this. 84000 looks like an amazing project. I hope that one day we will also have the early-Buddhist texts from these on SC. We have somebody who is working on that.

How this should further be worked out I leave up to Bhante @sujato.


Let me make a separate thread for this.