Call for investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by Dagri Rinpoche

This particular trend of thought came about because of this discussion I had a few days ago regarding the freely available nature of the Dhamma in the Theravada tradition and why we should not heedlessly bring about changes in the framework the Buddha established.
To those who wanted to restrict the teaching of Dhamma to the laity vis a vis the ordained I said:

And who will be the Authority to decide who exactly is “worthy” or “ready” for higher teachings?
And what about those who don’t agree with the decision of that Authority?
Can you see where I’m going with this?
Sooner or later there will be the emergence of the “Benign Dictator Guru”, then an inner core group will emerge, then will come diktats, expulsions, protest groups… schisms, loss of the true teaching and the end of the Buddha Sasana… that is invariably the human way.

The path to Absolute Evil is paved with good intentions.

Instead, perhaps we should consider…

What are the causes and conditions that have allowed the Buddha’s carefully organized method of passing on the Teachings to not only survive but flourish for over 2500 years?
No other human organization has lasted as long.

If there hadn’t been that first split of ‘progressives’ wanting to use money, eat after midday, wander in the village at odd hours… If only they had stuck to the Vinaya and been able to sort out their differences amicably, maybe none of the cascading effect of different schools, the introduction of Tantra, etc …who knows, maybe none of this would have come to pass! :grin:

Nah, that’s just too much Back-to -the- Future kind of pipe dream isn’t it?