Can We Believe Them Simply Because Buddha Said It? - YT Talks (Video Link)

In the realm of philosophy and spirituality, the teachings of Buddha hold significant influence and have shaped the beliefs of millions. However, the question arises: should we accept concepts solely because Buddha articulated them? This topic delves into the complexities surrounding the credibility of ideas and explores the implications of blindly adhering to concepts based on their source
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On the grand scale: All metaphysical world views are equally unprovable and unfalsifiable (at least at this point in history). You can either be a skeptic and act on intuition alone or follow the teaching that you feel most comfortable with.

And on the small scale you will have to make some individual decisions anyway. Teachings vary to some degree among the different Buddhist schools, and looking at the source material I doubt that anybody today can know for sure what the historical Buddha really taught.

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This is rather controversial issue, for example Queen Mallika thought that definitely we should, king Pasenadi, at least at that time (see below) was much more independent intellectually than she was

Eventually this story reached the king’s palace. Then King Pasenadi of Kosala told Queen Mallikā: “This is what has been said by the recluse Gotama, Mallikā: ‘Sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair are born from those who are dear, arise from those who are dear.’”“If that has been said by the Blessed One, sire, then it is so.”“No matter what the recluse Gotama says, Mallikā applauds it thus: ‘If that has been said by the Blessed One, sire, then it is so.’ Just as a pupil applauds whatever his teacher says to him, saying: ‘So it is, teacher, so it is!’; so too, Mallikā, no matter what the recluse Gotama says, you applaud it thus: ‘If that [108] has been said by the Blessed One, sire, then it is so.’ Be off, Mallikā, away with you!” MN 87

Regarding my own ideas I suspect that one of the main reasons why our samsaric bondage is infinite is our intellectual independence and thinking and trusting our own ideas more than that of the Buddha.

But I am not totally into such acceptance, with the great regret I don’t accept information that turtles and crocodiles are born in water, since things in this case for me are rather uneqivocal. But when comes to “bad” weather I don’t see how it can be proved that it doesn’t depends on human behaviour and following displeasure of gods. It could be so, esthetically and ethically it is a nice idea, so why not believe it. Of course I don’t exclude other options such as The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project and so on, many things we think that are impossible, may be “impossible” due to limitations of our knowledge.

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No, we shouldn’t just accept. Just accepting is like standing still on the path. We have to walk the path ourselves. No one else can walk it for us. You can take what the Teacher said as a hypothesis and check for yourself if it is true. At the same time, be aware that we sentient beings have a nearly infinite penchant for deceiving ourselves.

Still, we have to be brave and risk checking for ourselves. If we find that a medicine is working this usually inspires faith in the doctor that prescribed it and the nurses that help us to take it correctly. That doesn’t mean that we ever stop checking though. Faith in the doctor, the medicine, and the nurses can inspire bravery to keep taking the medicine; to keep walking the path. :pray:

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The Buddha shared the Dhamma with people out of compassion. The Noble Eightfold Path is one of discovery through the effort of being ethical, plumbing the totality of one’s own mind and gaining wisdom, not beliefs to merely be adopted. I have never heard of the Buddha saying to blindly adhere to concepts, in fact quite the opposite. If one has doubts, test what he suggested, meditate with his instructions and find out for yourself.

with genuine metta