Can we call nibbana as true/real/higher self?

That is not the passage, this is the passage


1.1Dhuvañca vo, bhikkhave, desessāmi dhuvagāmiñca maggaṁ. 1.2Taṁ suṇātha. Katamañca, bhikkhave, dhuvaṁ …pe….
1.1the constant … 1.2

sn43.14(most Venerable Thanissaro)
“Monks, I will also teach you permanence and the path leading to permanence …

The important keyword here is Dhuvañca which means constant/permanent/changeless

Even if you use suttacentral dictionary it can mean permanent and there’s no difference between constant and permanent it’s just synonym

As we see that the terms “stability” is virtually the opposite of impermanence furthermore we can say that the opposite of “constant” is impermanence or inconstant this shows how genius Ven sujato is

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