Can you hear sound and feel body in jhāna?

Hey Frank,

Based on your more tractable proposal, I’ve run through a first-pass draft (ie a request-for-comment) to get a sense of what it’d look like. Feel free to revise into the original until we get the wikiness of the thread fixed. The Y/N labels (and the quick quips) are loosely based on a roughly conceived “argument-initiator” heuristic and we could, in the interim, go so far as to link to individual comments/resources there.

(Oh and thanks for the two references above!) (1.3 KB)

(very) Roughly mined from:
Can you hear sound and feel body in jhāna?
Vitakka vicāra (Jhana-factors)
Roderick S. Bucknell - Reinterpreting the Jhānas (1993)

Others to mine:
"Sutta" and "Visuddhimagga" jhanas
The Third Jhana - 'of which the noble ones declare'
Jhana Interpretations


Y: DN 2 – “No part of the body unsuffused with rapture and pleasure”


Y: MN 118 – “I breathe out sensitive to pleasure and rapture”
Y: MN 125 – “Abide contemplating body without sensual thoughts, then with stilling, second jhana” (!MA 198, c.f. MA 102 != MN 19)
Y: MN 152 – “A blind man would have developed faculties if one does not hear eye/sound in developing faculties”


Y: SN 40.1 – “While I dwelt in first jhana sensual perceptions assailed me”
N: SN 48.40 – “(Bodily) dukhindriya ceases without remainder in first jhana”*
N: SA 559 – “Percipient without experiencing senses in first jhana+” (as in AN 9.37 for formless)


Y: AN 3.63 – “When I am in fourth jhana, I walk back and forth, celestial”
Y: AN 5.113 – “One who can withstand the five senses can remain in right concentration”
Y: AN 5.176 – “[Bodily] pleasure & [mental] joy dependent on the skillful, while dwelling in seclusion & rapture”
N: AN 9.34 – “Sensual perceptions in first jhana like pain for a healthy person”
N: AN 9.38 – “Dwelling in first jhana is dwelling at the end of the world”
N: AN 10.72 – “Noise is a thorn to first jhana”

