Can you hear sound and feel body in jhāna?

I admire and respect Venerable Analayo, but sometimes it seems to me that in his writings the line between opinion and fact becomes a little blurred, as he seems to engage in cherry-picking arguments that support his preferred interpretation, without examining counter-arguments that may sometimes have greater authority.

If I understand well the arguments here,

  1. The lists of thorns differ heavily between the Pali and Chinese counterpart outside those of the four jhanas. From this, Bhante concludes that probably (in his opinion) both lists of thorns outside those of the jhanas are unauthentic.
  2. In the list of four jhanas, what constitutes a thorn is apparently something that would completely disrupt the attainment since it cannot be present therein, so similarly sounds would completely disrupt the first jhana, so it cannot be heard therein.

I have provided here a counterargument:

I am not sure that Bhante Analayo’s observations have conclusively debunked the above argument, so I would call the matter inconclusive.

I think Bhante Analyo’s work could gain from being less partisan in controversial issues, at least not without seriously examining the strongest counterarguments to his assumptions.