Catalan and Spanish Metta Sutta uploaded

The new translations of the Metta Sutta in Catalan and Spanish are now uploaded to SuttaCentral. With much gratitude to @Bernat Font for the translation. :pray:

It is beautiful to have the Metta Sutta in these two languages; two countries that now certainly need a bit of Metta.

Next to this, Bernat has translated various other suttas into Catalan:
AN 3.55, AN 6.47 and SN 22.59.


Thank you @Vimala for the work.
There seems to be a problem with accent marks: some are missing, both in Catalan and Spanish; in Catalan only, the accented ‘i’ appears like a different typography; and the caracter ‘ç’ in Catalan appears like a normal ‘c’.
I’m checking it quickly on iPhone Safari.

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I wonder if that has to do with Safari not rendering the font correctly. I see the characters like this:


(noticed I made a mistake there with the typography of the quotemarks! Best to change that before Bhante sees it :slight_smile: )

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Dear @Vimala, I’ve just seen that the Viveka Sutta (SN9.1) appears as continuation of AN6.47. Also, there was a format error in the document I sent you and the verse part did not show propperly. The lines should break like this:

Has entrat al bosc buscant la solitud,
però la teva ment vola cap enfora.
Amansa l’anhel de companyia
i així, lliure d’ànsia, seràs feliç.

Deixa anar el descontentament, estigues present,
deixa’m recordar-te el que has de cultivar.
Tan difícil que és escapar del núvol de contaminació,
ara que no t’arrossegui la contaminació del plaer sensorial.

Així com un ocell esquitxat de fang
se’l treu de sobre amb una sacsejada,
un mendicant, determinat i atent,
se sacseja la contaminació enganxada.

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I changed that last week already, but it just did not make it for the weekly update of the site. So it should get in this week.

I will change the format error now.