Chögyam Trungpa, Drukpa Kunley, and Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism

When you say “classical Buddhist teachings,” do you mean as per/as found in the EBTs?

What is this? Did the Buddha teach this? Considering that Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism uses “Buddhism” in its name (i.e. claims to represent the teachings of the Buddha), how does “tantric practice” relate to the EBTs?

I remember that you mentioned this in another thread:

I remember seeing such things being recommended in another Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist Facebook group that I was a part of some time ago.

I remember wondering if there is a high prevalence of such cultic behaviors in the Vajrayana sect of Buddhism - so much so that this becomes a commonplace recommendation in those circles.
Do you think this might be a mere coincidence or is there something here that might be worth investigating (in terms of Tibetan Vajrayana and cultic behaviors)?

Thank you for clarifying.

One thought and concern that comes to mind, is that I feel hard pressed to find such figures in say the Theravada sect of Buddhism. Do you know why this might be? Is it just a matter of not looking hard enough?

Or might there be parts of the Tibetan Vajrayana sect that may enable such behaviors and practices to flourish and go on unchecked?

I am especially curious to about how Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism and the EBTs disagree and agree.

You seem to have in-depth knowledge of both.

Could you shed some light on what ways Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism and the EBTs disagree and agree?

I copied and pasted it from the wikipedia website, so I cannot attest to its accuracy. Maybe you can check and see if there is a citation for that particular claim.