Citation and Sutta Name Lookup Tools 🛠

Due to the work and persistence of Ven @Khemarato.bhikkhu, the Citation Helper app now puts history in your browser like any ordinary website. As long as you stay in the same tab, it will allow you to go back and forward through your history by clicking the browser buttons.

I also wanted to mention that having the citation in the url bar (like now allows you to use any of a number of plugins in your browser that let you select and search for text. So, for example…

When you click on Citation Helper, it will open up the citation helper and put the selected text into the input field and look up the citation.

Ta da!


For FireFox, I use this one:

In Chrome I have used

But there is also this one that even has its own website.

Setting up a custom search is quite easy. For example in the Firefox plugin, you just put this into the settings:

In Chrome’s Selection Search it’s similar:

Let me know if you try it out and if you have any problems.

These plugins are really useful in general if you often find yourself, for example, trying to find book titles on a certain book website like GoodReads or Amazon. And, come to think of it, you can do it for SuttaCentral too. The search string would be{searchTerms}
