Community help needed!---Sutta Retreat annotation with SC IDs

That would be great!
Uploaded the raw files (straight from mobile phone) onto OneDrive now (3.17GB):!Aq6RdQN3gF1_gyarywT88oTOwEFN
Some of them have lots of blanks (was running around doing duties too, so kept phone recording at times). Also, for one of the days, I had to use other phone (different format) because I forgot my ‘recording’ phone.
Will delete them as and when I’ve finished editing & upload the edited versions. (Need to reorganise and free disk space too).

I’ll take Day 1 for a start, 4 sessions of sutta reading. We had a meditation before the 1st session (can’t remember if it was guided) and after the 4th session (guided meditation), last is Q&A.