Correct version of Anapanasati?

Please see “Appendix 11: Ānāpānasati Revisited” in What You Might Not Know about Jhāna & Samādhi

@Wheatfield my friend,

Let’s be flexible while comprehending these sets of teachings, which tend to get rigid over time. To me, practicing Anapanasati is itself the development of Satipatthana and saptabojjhanga.

SN 54.13 shows that Satipatthana can be practiced through Anapanasati. Ajahn Buddhadasa agreed.

The seven factors of awakening include:

  • mindfulness
  • investigation
  • diligence
  • joy
  • ease
  • unification
  • equanimity

Most of them are already present in the sixteen exercises. Breathing in and out, I am aware of and calm my whole body and mental formations (exercise 1-8). This is mindfulness and ease. Joy is obviously mentioned in exercise 5. Unification was mentioned in 11. I regard liberating the mind (12) as equanimity. Diligence and investigation must be applied if we practice observing the mind (9).

These are just examples. We need not get caught by the steps and concepts. They inter-are and aren’t independent practices after all.


Thank you so much for your kind and very helpful response, I guess I was a bit confused as to the variety of it interpretations of the teachings back then.
Much gratitude and mettā to you.

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