CORS header error with API

So I’m writing a bookmarlet that will scrape information from my Citation Helper and return an html sentence that has nice links in an English sentence. That works no problem.

But I am trying to add in a fetch to the SC API. I can do that just fine when I am using the bookmarklet when on an actual web page. However, when I put that fetch into the bookmarlet I’m using on the Citation Helper page, I get the following error:

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ does not match ‘*, *’).

CORS errors seem like a vast swamp to me, so I was wondering if someone familiar with the SC API could tell me what I’m doing wrong.

Here is the bookmarklet that works getting all the links that the Citation helper provides:

javascript: (() => {
  const currentCitations = document.getElementsByClassName("url-button-link");
  let output = `<p>Or read a different translation on `;
  for (let i = 0; i < currentCitations.length; i++) {
    let prettySiteUrl = "";
    let endJoiner = "";
    switch (currentCitations[i] {
      case "SC":
        prettySiteUrl = "";
      case "SF":
        prettySiteUrl = "";
      case "DT":
        prettySiteUrl = "";
      case "ABT":
        prettySiteUrl = "";
        prettySiteUrl = "Website";
    if (i === currentCitations.length - 1) {
      endJoiner = ".";
    } else if (i === currentCitations.length - 2) {
      endJoiner = ", or ";
    } else {
      endJoiner = ", ";
    output += `<a href="${currentCitations[i].href}" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">${prettySiteUrl}</a>${endJoiner}`;
  output += `</p>`;

Here is the fetch that works when sitting on a sutta web page:

javascript: (() => {
  let path = "";
  let citation = "";
  let translations = "";
  let sentence = "on SuttaCentral by";
  path = window.location.pathname;
  citation = path.split("/")[1];
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => {
      translations = data[0].translations;
      for (let i = 0; i < translations.length; i++) {
        if (translations[i].lang === "en") {
          sentence += `<a href="${citation}/en/${translations[i].author_uid}">${translations[i].author}</a>, `;

And here is the initial attempt of a combined bookmarlet that doesn’t work. I’m using this while viewing the Citation Helper. (It’s not fully merged yet)

javascript: (() => {
  let path = "";
  let citation = "";
  let translations = "";
  const currentCitations = document.getElementsByClassName("url-button-link");
  path = currentCitations[0].href;
  let sentence = "Or read Or read a different translation on by";
  citation = path.split("/")[3];
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => {
      translations = data[0].translations;
      for (let i = 0; i < translations.length; i++) {
        if (translations[i].lang === "en") {
          sentence += `<a href="${citation}/en/${translations[i].author_uid}">${translations[i].author}</a>`;
          if (i === currentCitations.length - 1) {
            sentence += ".";
          } else if (i === currentCitations.length - 2) {
            sentence += ", or ";
          } else {
            sentence += ", ";

Again, the error I’m getting is
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ does not match ‘*, *’).

I’m guessing I need to add something to the header I send to the API?

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@HongDa can you help with this?


As far as I know, SC’s API should not have this limitation, please let me check again :smile:


I tried using the api mentioned above in a new app (not a bookmarklet) and had the same issue.

@HongDa and Bhante @sujato, I’m wondering if I should create a github issue for this and if so on which repository?

Hey @Snowbird , Issue can be created here: GitHub - suttacentral/suttacentral: SuttaCentral website application

Done! Thanks. I did my best but I don’t know if it is clear enough.


Hey @Snowbird Since Cloudflare automatically configures CORS, it conflicts with the configuration on the server. I have now fixed this problem :smile:


Thank you!

@stu, not sure if you were doing things with the API yet.

Thanks for the heads up Bhante. I’m not yet, I’m still trying to get a handle on the json files and the general structure. I’m very slow :blush:

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