Could be Buddhist… but isn’t (post your quotes)

Ramana Maharshi, with all due respect, taught about a formless, eternal, and ever-peaceful Self along the lines of non-dual Advaita and other expressions in the later Upanishads.
In DN1, SN 22.94, and other suttas the Buddha listed this as a type of wrong view, along with a number of other wrong views, with viññana, consciousness, taught as being conditional.

There have been a number of debates, including posts on D&D, about whether parinibbāna is a kind of ever-blissful awareness that is unrelated to the senses and any conditions (Ven. Thanissaro, “The Truth of Rebirth” for example), and others who say the teachings point to extinguishment/cessation, full stop.

So the quote by the Maharshi could indirectly reflect a view taken by some Buddhists (who of course do not use “Self”). But finding support for this in the Nikayas appears to be dicey.

Some references that may be of interest: