Could be Buddhist… but isn’t (post your quotes)

M: The person is merely the result of a misunderstanding. In reality, there is no such thing. Feelings, thoughts and actions race before the watcher in endless succession, leaving traces in the brain and creating an illusion of continuity. A reflection of the watcher in the mind creates the sense of ‘I’ and the person acquires an apparently independent existence. In reality there is no person, only the watcher identifying himself with the ‘I’ and the ‘mine’. The teacher tells the watcher: you are not this, there is nothing of yours in this, except the little point of ‘I am’, which is the bridge between the watcher and his dream. ‘I am this, I am that’ is dream, while pure ‘I am’ has the stamp of reality on it. You have tasted so many things — all came to naught. Only the sense ‘I am’ persisted — unchanged. Stay with the changeless among the changeful, until you are able to go beyond.

Q: When will it happen?

M: It will happen as soon as you remove the obstacles.

Q: Which obstacles?

M Desire for the false and fear of the true. You, as the person, imagine that the Guru is interested in you as a person. Not at all. To him you are a nuisance and a hindrance to be done away with. He actually aims at your elimination as a factor in consciousness.

M - Nisargadatta Maharaj

This fake-quote poster is on the wall of my room, for only me to see - a gift from the estate of a friend of mine, Patty, who passed away (cancer) several years ago. Patty was an embodiment of love & hospitality. Jovial, loud, extremely generous, she filled a room with her laughter. She fondly called me “my Lady-Monk”.

Patty had at best a superficial understanding of Buddhism. She once called me from a New Year’s party just after midnight, drunk, to wish me a happy new year. Once sober she promised not to do that again but didn’t quite get why it wasn’t a great idea. (So the next year instead of calling she added my # to a text thread to receive celebratory texts from her & her many friends, also sloshed, all night on New Year’s Eve and throughout the next day. :laughing:)

I love the poster b/c it reminds me so much of Patty. Never met anyone else like her.


“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
-John 8:32


Freedom is the recognition of necessity. - Friedrich Engels

Necessity= Anicca Dukkha Anatta

Confused idea attracts fools, like flame attracts insects.↓
Gomez Davila

I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Savatthi, in Jeta’s Grove, Anathapindika’s monastery. Now on that occasion the Blessed One was sitting out in the open in the pitch black of the night, while oil lamps were burning. Many flying insects were meeting their downfall and misfortune in those oil lamps. The Blessed One saw those flying insects meeting their downfall and misfortune in those oil lamps.

Then, on realizing the significance of that, the Blessed One on that occasion exclaimed:

Rushing headlong, missing what’s essential,
bringing on one new bond
after another,
like insects falling into the flame,
some are intent only on what’s seen & heard.

U 6.9

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“Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits.”

  • A. A. Milne

If the main business of mankind were merely to survive and endure, we are probably far less qualified to occupy a place on this planet than are rats or insects. Culture alone – in the deepest meaning of the word – can ultimately justify the human endeavour.

Simon Leys

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Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see. - Arthur Schopenhauer

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—An ethics that does not command us to renounce is a crime against the dignity to which we should aspire and against the happiness which we can obtain.

Nicolas Gomez Davila


Man at the beck of passion is in many ways like a particle with no will of its own, since reason, especially morals, is the sole source of man’s ability to govern himself. Once gratification of passion becomes the definition of “liberty,” then “liberty” becomes synonymous with bondage because he who controls the passion controls the man.

E. Michael Jones

But when the soul inquires alone by itself, it departs into the realm of the pure, the everlasting, the immortal and the changeless, and being akin to these it dwells always with them whenever it is by itself and is not hindered, and it has rest from its wanderings and remains always the same and unchanging with the changeless, since it is in communion therewith. And this state of the soul is called wisdom.

[79c-79d] Plato - Phaedo


“That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die.” H.P. Lovecraft

'And, in this modern world, seeking God in ordinary life may be as exacting, and indeed may be far more exacting, a task than seeking him in the cloister or the desert— Professor E. L. Mascall.

Carrying water in a sieve is known to be more exacting than carrying it in a bucket. This does not prove it is an equally efficient way of carrying water.

Celia Green

Karanyam Metta Redux

“The sweet, the vile, the tall, the small
shows Cockburn is riffing off the Metta Sutta… not simply an instance of mature Christianity reflecting dhamma.

The just, the merciful, the cruel
The stumbling well-intentioned fool
The deft, the oaf, the witless pawn
The golden one life smiles upon
The squalling infant in mid-squall
The neighbors fighting down the hall
The list is long—as I recall
Our orders said to love them all

The cynic and the crooked priest
The woman wise, the sullen beast
The enemy outside the gatе
The friend who leavеs it all to fate
The drunk who tags the bathroom stall
The proud boy headed for his fall
The list is long—as I recall
Our orders said to love them all

The pastor preaching shades of hate
The self-inflating head of state
The black and blue, the starved for bread
The dread, the red, the better dead
The sweet, the vile, the tall, the small
The one who rises to the call
The list is long—as I recall
Our orders said to love them all

The one who lets his demons win
The one we think we’re better than
A challenge great—as I recall
Our orders said to love them all

“Words don’t have intrinsic meanings; the significance of an expression depends on how the interpretive community alive at the time of the text’s adoption under-stood those words. The older the text, the more distant that interpretive community from our own. At some point the difference becomes so great that the meaning is no longer recoverable reliably.”

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… philosophy teaches us to act, not to speak; it exacts of every man that he should live according to his own standards, that his life should not be out of harmony with his words, and that, further, his inner life should be of one hue and not out of harmony with all his activities. This, I say, is the highest duty and the highest proof of wisdom, – that deed and word should be in accord, that a man should be equal to himself under all conditions, and always the same.



For the mind does not require filling like a bottle, but rather, like wood, it only requires kindling.

– Plutarch, Moralia

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A pre-hispanic (pre-conquest, pre-colonial) set of poems by native Aztecs, on philosophy and, I would say, attention, penetration of reality, emptiness, non-attainment, and suffering. Crudely translated.

What was it that you remembered?
Where, truly, lies your heart?
This is why you give it (your heart) to every thing,
Without a heading, you bring it along for the ride, destroying it.
On earth, can you even search for some thing?

Where do we go?
Only to be born we come.
There, beyond, lies our home:
The place of the unfleshed.

I suffer: to me, joy never came.
Am I here to act in vain?
This is not the region where things are done.
Certainly, no thing flourishes here
But misery.

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“Do you believe in fate, Sarah? Or do you believe we can all change the future every second by every choice that we make? You chose to change the future…”

-A T-800, “Carl” (Terminator who found a sense of morality), from Terminator: Dark Fate.


A long one, from Plato’s Republic;

Socrates: And now allow me to draw a comparison in order to understand the effect of learning (or the lack thereof) upon our nature. Imagine that there are people living in a cave deep underground. The cavern has a mouth that opens to the light above, and a passage exists
from this all the way down to the people. They have lived here from infancy, with their legs
and necks bound in chains. They cannot move. All they can do is stare directly forward, as the chains stop them from turning their heads around. Imagine that far above and behind them blazes a great fire. Between this fire and the captives, a low partition is erected along a path, something like puppeteers use to conceal themselves during their shows.

Glaukon: I can picture it.

Socrates: Look and you will also see other people carrying objects back and forth along the partition, 514c things of every kind: images of people 515a and animals, carved in stone and wood and other materials. Some of these other people speak, while others remain silent.

Glaukon: A bizarre situation for some unusual captives.

Socrates: So we are! Now, tell me if you suppose it’s possible that these captives ever saw anything of themselves or one another, other than the shadows flitting across the
cavern wall before them?

Glaukon: Certainly not, for they are restrained, 515b all their lives, with their heads facing forward only.

Socrates: And that would be just as true for the objects moving to and fro behind them?

Glaukon: Certainly.

Socrates: Now, if they could speak, would you say that these captives would imagine that the names they gave to the things they were able to see applied to real things?

Glaukon: It would have to be so.

Socrates: And if a sound reverberated through their cavern from one of those others passing behind the partition, do you suppose that the captives would think anything but the passing shadow was what really made the sound?

Glaukon: No, by Zeus.

Socrates: 515c Then, undoubtedly, such captives would consider the truth to be nothing but the shadows of the carved objects.

Glaukon: Most certainly.

Socrates: Look again, and think about what would happen if they were released from these chains and these misconceptions. Imagine one of them is set free from his shackles and immediately made to stand up and bend his neck around, to take steps, to gaze up toward
the fire. And all of this was painful, and the glare from the light made him unable to see the objects that cast the shadows he once beheld. 515d What do you think his reaction would be if someone informed him that everything he had formerly known was illusion and delusion, but that now he was a few steps closer to reality, oriented now toward things that were more authentic, and able to see more truly? And, even further, if one would direct his attention to the
artificial figures passing to and fro and ask him what their names are, would this man not be at a loss to do so? Would he, rather, believe that the shadows he formerly knew were more real than the objects now being shown to him?

Glaukon: Much more real.

Socrates: Now, if he was forced to look directly at the firelight, 515e wouldn’t his eyes be pained? Wouldn’t he turn away and run back to those things which he normally perceived and understand them as more defined and clearer than the things now being brought to his

Glaukon: That’s right.

Socrates: Now, let’s say that he is forcibly dragged up the steep climb out of the cavern, and firmly held until finally he stands in the light of the sun. Don’t you think that he would be agitated and even begin to complain? 516a Under that light, would his eyes not be nearly blinded, unable to discern any of those things that we ourselves call real?

Glaukon: No, he wouldn’t see them at first.

Socrates: It would take time, I suppose, for him to get used to seeing higher things. In the beginning, he might only trace the shadows. Then, reflections of people and other things in the water. Next he would come to see the things themselves. Then he would behold the heavenly bodies, and the heaven itself by night, seeing the light 516b of the stars and the moon with greater ease than the sun and its light by day.

Glaukon: Indeed so.

Socrates: And then, I think, he would at last be able to gaze upon the sun itself—neither as reflected in water, nor as a phantom image in some other place, but in its own place as it really is.

Glaukon: Undeniably.

Socrates: And now, he will begin to reason. He will find that the sun is the source for the seasons and the years, and governor of every visible thing, 516c and is ultimately the origin of everything previously known.

Glaukon: Of course. First he would see and then draw conclusions.

Socrates: That being the case, should he remember his fellow prisoners and their original dwelling and what was accepted as wisdom in that setting, don’t you imagine he would consider himself fortunate for this transformation, and feel pity for the captives?

Glaukon: I agree.

Socrates: Now . . . suppose there were honors and awards among the captives, which they granted as prizes to one another for being the best at recognizing the various shadows passing by or deciphering their patterns, 516d their order, and the relationships among them, and therefore best at predicting what shadow would be seen next. Do you believe that our liberated man would be much concerned with such honors, or that he would be jealous of those who received them? Or that he would strive to be like those who were lauded by the captives and enjoyed pride of place among them? Or would rather take Homer’s view, and “rather wish, in earthly life, to be the humble serf of a landless man” (Odyssey 11.489) and suffer whatever he had to, instead of holding the views of the captives and returning to that state of being?

Glaukon: 516e Truly, he would rather suffer a great deal than return to such a life.

Socrates: Well, here’s something else to consider. If such a man would suddenly go from the sunlight to once more descend to his original circumstances, wouldn’t his vision by obscured by the darkness?

Glaukon: It obviously would.

Socrates: And so, let’s say he is with the captives and gets put into the position 517a of interpreting the wallshadows. His eyes are still adjusting to the darkness, and it may take a while before they are. Wouldn’t he become a laughing-stock? Wouldn’t they say, “You
have returned from your adventure up there with ruined eyes!” Would they not say that the ascent was a waste of time? And if they had the opportunity, do you supposed that they might raise their hands against him and kill this person who is trying to liberate them to a higher plane?”

Glaukon: I’m afraid so.

Socrates: Then, my friend Glaukon, this image applies to everything we’ve been discussing. 517b It compares the visible world to the underground cavern, and the power of the sun to the fire that burned in the cavern. You won’t misunderstand me if you connect
the captive’s ascent to be the ascent of the soul to the intelligible world (τὸν νοητὸν τόπον). This is how I believe, and I shared it at your wish, though heaven knows whether it is at all true. Regardless, it appears to me that in the realm of what can be known, 517c the Idea of the Good is discovered last of all, and it only perceived with great difficulty. But, when it is seen, it
leads us directly to the finding that it is the universal cause of all that is right and beautiful. It is the source of visible light and the master of the same, and in the intelligible world it is the master of truth and reason. And whoever, in private or in public, would behave in a sensible way, will keep this idea in focus.

Glaukon: I agree, to the extent I can manage to understand.

Socrates: Stay with me, then, for another thought. We should not be surprised that individuals who have reached this level might be unwilling to spend their time on mundane affairs, for would it not be that their souls always feel a calling to the higher things. 517d If our illustration holds true, that would seem quite likely.

Glaukon: Yes, likely indeed.

Socrates: Now, would it be at all surprising for one who has been engaged in the contemplation of holy things, when he ventures into ways of degenerate humanity, to appear ridiculous in his actions? What if, for example, while his eyes were still adjusting to the mundane gloom, he would be forced to appear in court to hold forth about the mere shadows of justice or the other shapes that flitted across the wall? And to engage in debate 517e about such concepts with
the minds of others who has never beheld the Ideal Justice?

Glaukon: It would not surprise me the least.

Socrates: 518a But one who has his wits about him would remember that there are two things that pain the eyes: being brought from darkness to light, and transitioning back from light to darkness. Now, considering that the soul experiences the same discomfort, this man would not
make light of another when he met with a confused soul. He would take the time to understand if that soul was coming from a luminous realm and his eyes were blinded by darkness, or 518b whether journeying from the darkness of ignorance into an illuminated state had overwhelmed his eyes. One, he would consider fortunate. He would pity the other—and if he laughed at either, it would be less justified if he laughed at the expense of the one who was descending from the light above.