Could we all share our most interesting or precious sutra?

I am going now in depth into the scriptures of the Buddha and I would appreciate any recommendations that the well minded members of this community have to share.

Special interest on “words of the Buddha”

Also Thank you Ajahn Sujato for the wonderful translations.

I find them very accessible.

-Bhante Varrapanyo :pray:t3:


TheDānasutta is very important to me, it’s the sutta that opened my heart to Dhamma. It encompasses the worldly and spiritual. We may not be able to see the result of giving and sharing, but if we could we would never go without sharing.


It’s really hard to decide which one is my favourite but the Saraniyavagga Sutta (Warmnearted 2nd) inspires me a lot

I find it very beneficial for me to meditate / reflect on the body and to reflect on death. It puts things in perspective and gives me peace.


One of my favorite underrecognized suttas, the Attadanda:


My favourite sutta is Pahārāda.


I have many favorites. One that probably best expresses the way in which Buddhism has helped change my life is SN42.8, the sutta of the horn blower.

Listen to it: SC-Voice


I have a little history with “most-favourite-sutta” over the years. One of the earliest has been the “lions roar”, very early in my contact with the PK (see more at private “nano-index” of precious suttas).

Last year I came over MN95, the sutta with the eminent brahmin Canki and the young learned and (seemingly) very bright brahmin Kapathiko under the protection of Canki. (“protection” might be not a good term, have not a better one at the moment). The route of the discourse with the young man is a very “sweet” one - for me with a history as a teacher myself :slight_smile: In my parents/siblings family we have a similar history of asking and discussing - but that route that the Buddha found (spontanously) and which he leaded to a fruitful end is a true gem in my feeling.

I like it such that I made a nicely formatted pdf-file of this and printed on carton with different colours for each speaker, making it a nice small piece for the wall or as a small booklet-present for friends.

(P.s. German translation by K.E.Neumann, unformatted source from

PK MN95 Canki-Sutta (German, K.E.Neumann, reformatted by Nessie)

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I have a soft spot for AN3.132
I first read it when I was upset with a coworker, so I looked for “ill-will” or “anger” in the index of my copy of the AN, and came to this sutta. I felt so inspired by the reflection that there are such people who are like a line drawn in water that I dropped the ill will and actually shed a few tears from relief and inspiration.


:pray: and that is exactly why we do all this :heart:


Thank you @sabbamitta
This is such a wonderful Sutta. I didn’t know it. I have read and contemplated it for the last 2 days and my heart is open and feels such a relief and joy! :slightly_smiling_face:

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So beautiful, thank you! :heart: :pray: :blush:

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For most of my early Buddhism, Kalama Sutta was my go-to sutta for everything. Then I pretty much had to change it to Upaddhasutta:

“Venerable sir, this is half of the holy life, that is, good friendship, good companionship, good comradeship.”

“Not so, Ānanda! Not so, Ānanda! This is the entire holy life, Ānanda, that is, good friendship, good companionship, good comradeship. " SN45.2

Kalamasutta still comes second though. :slight_smile:


It’s not easy to pick.

There are some i’ve read many times, because they often come up in the public discourse and have most doctrinal significance. There are about 20-50 of these.

There are some which are much significant instructions. For example anapanasati sutta, maha satipatthana sutta, kayagatasati sutta.

Then there are texts describing the entire classification of meditative attainments, kasina, bases of mastery with limited & limitless form, limited perception attainments, limitless perception attainment, impertubable attainments, cessation of this & that, and jhana of course.

Then there many other texts i like for some mischellaneous reasons

The Top of the Standard Dhajagga Sutta: The Top of the Standard


If even a hundred-thousand rapists came across me like this, I wouldn’t stir a hair. I’d feel no terror, and I’m not afraid of you, Mara, even alone like this.

How can not like this

And the :rhinoceros: too

That seems to be the course of many people’s Dhamma evolution, I think.


MN19, on the two kinds of thought, is a constant reminder to be mindful of the thoughts that arise.
MN20 is helping me practice the removal of distracting thoughts.
AN4.14 is a reminder of the types of striving - by abandonment, development or protection.
AN10.51 is a lovely summary on self-reflection.
AN4.11 tells me to practice wherever I am, whenever possible.
SN46.51 works nicely to complement the other suttas - describing the nutriments for hindrances as well as the nutriments for the wholesome states.
SN35.120 reminds me not to grasp the signs or particulars, helping with restraint.

If I were to pick one, it would be MN20. There are just so many more, but these are helping me immensely these days.

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SA 287 and its Pali counterpart SN 12.65 Nagara.

Sanskrit version: Tripathi Sutra 5. See also Choong Mun-keat (2000: Fundamental Teachings of Early Buddhism), pp. 176-177.

There are many discourses that I like, but if I have to choose right now, I would like to select a few discourses:

A metaphor about leaves in your hand and leaves in the forest

Following that is a series of discourses about the cycle of rebirth that has been ongoing throughout endless lifetimes. For example:

Finally, the last day of Buddha:

So Ānanda, live as your own island, your own refuge, with no other refuge. Let the teaching be your island and your refuge, with no other refuge.

Proud to be such a basic bit-Buddhist! :smiley:

My most cherished sutras from the Pali Canon are Snp 1.8 and SN 55.7. Whenever I need guidance on embodying Buddhist compassion in my life as a layperson, I return to these two sutras for inspiration and wisdom.