Creative Fundraising Ideas for SuttaCentral

Having started a non-profit organization not long ago, it occurred to me that perhaps a more systematic fundraising effort could help SC fund and meet its more long-term goals.

That makes sense. I hope that SC is able to suitably find and utilize the programmers it needs to fulfill its early Buddhist textual translation goals. :crossed_fingers:t3::pray:t3:

The Khyentse Foundation provides funding for two kinds of projects that might be relevant to SuttaCentral:

Translation Projects

“To continue that tradition, it is KF’s mission to translate the Buddha’s teachings into the world’s major modern languages, thereby making them available free of charge to everyone who wishes to use them for study and practice.
KF initiates, develops, and supports a number of ongoing and constantly evolving programs to carry out that mission by collaborating with other organizations and individual translators who share our aspiration.
KF now funds the translation and dissemination of Buddhist texts in Polish, Ukrainian, and Mongolian, among many other languages.”

Text Preservation

Khyentse Foundation supports organizations and individuals engaged in the preservation of seminal Buddhist texts in Tibetan, Pali, Sanskrit, and other Asian languages.
Many of these texts contain the Buddha’s teachings…

I hope that applying for these funding opportunities can help SuttaCentral secure further funding as needed to meet their textual translation and/or preservation goals. :pray:t3: